RTE Rajasthan Admission 2019 | Application Form (Released), Eligibility Criteria
RTE Rajasthan Admission 2019: RTE Rajasthan admission 2019 has released the results for this year admission process. The right to free and compulsory education came into effect on 1st April 2019. Based on this rule, it is compulsory for non-governmental…
Hindi Grammar हिन्दी व्याकरण for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams
Hindi Grammar (हिन्दी व्याकरण): NCERT Hindi Grammar Book PDF Free Download, Notes, Lessons, Exercises, worksheets, Basic and General Hindi, quiz, mock test are prepared based on BEST NCERT Hindi Grammar Book PDF for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Compe…
GAT - Registration, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Cutoff and Result
GAT exam is conducted by GITAM University, Bangalore for admissions to its various courses. It is a computer-based test conducted online. The application forms can be filled online as well as offline. The exam is conducted in the month of April (Tentati…
New CBSE Date Sheet for Class 10 and Class 12 (Released) | Download CBSE Time Table from Here
CBSE Date Sheet 2020: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) authorities will release the date sheet for CBSE 12 and Class 10 2020 for the board examinations that will be held for the academic session 2019 – 2020. According to the CBSE class 12…
Total Surface Area of Cylinder, Volume of a Cylinder Formulas, Examples
Total Surface Area of a Cylinder: Let us carry out a small activity. Take a ring. We know that ring is circular in shape. Now place another ring on the first ring and so on. You will see that when you place such rings, the structure that you get is a cy…
EFLU Application Form, Dates, Eligibility, Process, Apply @efluniversity.ac.in
EFLU or the English and Foreign Languages University is an Indian university which has its main campus in Hyderabad, Telangana in India. They also have institutions in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and Shillong, Meghalaya. For all of those interested in enroll…
BHU UET 2020 - Applications (Out), Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Apply @bhuonline.in
BHU UET Application Form: Benaras Hindu University or BHU UET application forms are for the students who want admission in the Benaras Hindu University. The application forms for the next academic year are available from March 20. Candidates who’re form…
OUAT Application Form (Date Extended Till April 20): Apply @ouat.nic.in
OUAT Application Form: Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology or OUAT is an exam mainly for students to get admission in the various universities and colleges in the state. The OUAT application form is for the examination for students to get…
CENTAC 2020 Registration Form, Eligibility, Exam Pattern and Syllabus
CENTAC 2020, also known as the Central Admission Committee, Pondicherry is a state-level admission procedure for the undergraduate courses in various government colleges in Pondicherry. The admission is completely based on the merit of class 12th.
The f…
KEAM 2020 Application Form, Admit Card and Form Correction
KEAM Application Form: KEAM refers to the Kerala Engineering, Architectural and Medical courses, offered by the Government of Kerala, via the Office of the Commissioner of Entrance Exams, who conducts the KEAM Entrance Examinations annually. These are c…