NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English Memories of Childhood

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English Memories of Childhood QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED READING WITH INSIGHT Q1.The two accounts that you have read above are based in two distant cultures. What is the commonality of theme found in both of them…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English My Mother at Sixty-six

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English My Mother at Sixty-six IMPORTANT STANZAS FOR COMPREHENSION Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each: 1. Driving from my parents home to Cochin last Friday morning, 1 saw my mot…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Important Stanzas For Comprehension Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each: 1.Far far from gu…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English The Last Lesson

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English The Last Lesson QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED THINK AS YOU READ Q1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day? Ans:  That day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles becaus…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English The Tiger King

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English The Tiger King QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED READ AND FIND OUT Q1. Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name? Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was called the Tiger King. At the time of his birth t…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English On the Face of It

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Vistas English On the Face of It QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED READ AND FIND OUT Q1. Who is Mr Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden? Ans. Mr Lamb is an old man with a tin leg. His real leg was blown off years ago during…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English A Thing of Beauty

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English A Thing of Beauty ​NCERT SolutionsMathsPhysicsChemistryBiologyScience​ IMPORTANT STANZAS FOR COMPREHENSION Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each: 1.A thing of beauty is a joy…

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English The Rattrap

March 6, 2023

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Flamingo English The Rattrap QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK SOLVED THINK AS YOU READ Q1. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap? Ans: The peddler had been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was…

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit

March 6, 2023

Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit Page 52: Question 1: In situations with high risks, credit might create further problems for the borrower. Explain? Answer: High…

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure

March 6, 2023

Formulae Handbook for Class 10 Maths and Science NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social History Chapter 6 Work, Life and Leisure Q.1. Give three reasons why the population…
