Words and Expressions Class 10 Solutions Unit 11 The Proposal

Words and Expressions Class 10 Solutions Unit 11 The Proposal

Let’s begin:

Question 1.
Facial expressions are non-verbal communications. These expressions play an important role in a play. They are powerful communication tools. The human face is extremely expressive. It is able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. Expressions tell us the mood of the characters in the play. Some facial expressions are given below. The facial expressions are for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust. Look at the facial expressions and write which emotions do they express.
Words and Expressions Class 10 Solutions Unit 11 The Proposal 1
(i) anger
(ii) confused
(iii) bewildered
(iv) happy
(v) afraid
(vi) surprised

Question 2.
You have read ‘The Proposal’, a one act play. It is a farce. The play is set in only one location, the drawing room of Chubukov’s house. All three characters in the play are quarrelsome people and they quarrel over petty issues. Lomov and Natalya start with the issue like a piece of land that is situated at the border between the two neighbors’ properties. The discussion turns into a quarrel and the marriage proposal is forgotten. They shout at each other. They are again dragged into an argument over the superiority of each other’s dogs. So, they drag their ancestors in their foolish quarrel. They again abuse each other and call names.
Now, make groups of four and discuss the following points. While conducting the discussion, try to use the facial expressions given above.

  • The marriage proposal is a mockery of romance and marriage in the upper class.
  • The pride in property, even the superiority of dogs, take priority over love and marriage.
  • The characters lack patience, stop listening to each other, and then contradict each other.
  • Do you think these quarrels will promise a happy life?
  • What qualities would you consider for a well- matched couple?
  • Do you think all of us should know how to manage our anger?

→ For the upper class of society; everything is to be measured and weighed in terms of money. Marriage and romance are no exception to the rule. Wherever they go, they make their presence felt through bragging.

→ For the people of upper class, the property that they possess is far better than that of other’s. In no case they are ready to admit that a thing or two that they possess is of inferior quality.

→ Lomov and Natalya are the main characters who lack patience to hear at least what the other person has to say; what of understanding what they say ? After having a tough fight Natalya presess her father to call Lomov back and talk about her marriage.

→ No, these quarrels can never promise a happy life; instead it will mar the conjugal life of the married couple.

→ For a well matched couple; there is only one golden word that I would suggest – complement each other; do not compete with each other. Since to err is human; a partner is supposed to compensate for the lacuna that the other partner possesses.

→ Yes, all of us must know how to manage our anger.

Reading Comprehension:

Text I
How Can We Control Anger?
Do you get angry when your mother switches off the television ? Do you get upset when you lose a game ? Do you crib when your teacher does not pay attention to you ? Most of us can have “yes” as an answer to one or more of these situations. Anger sometimes gets the better of us and leaves us to regret the consequences later. The question is ‘How can we control anger?’

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion only if we know how to respond to it. Uncontrolled anger can often harm us directly or indirectly whether we realise or not. Before we learn to address the issue, let us revisit the concept of anger. Anger is nothing but absence of peace with oneself, people or situations around us. We express it either by being assertive or aggressive.

Let us all become the managers of our own anger. When angry, take a few moments to calm down (take five deep breaths, count up to ten, drink water, change your place) before responding. More often than not we do not have control over the situations that distress us. Getting physically active reduces stress. Funny dances, clapping, thumping your feet, a walk, making funny faces at the mirror, etc., go a long way in helping us let go of the anger or the frustration inside us. Once we have our feelings under control, go through all the aspects of the situation and try to see the same situation from different perspectives. If it is a problem try to equip yourself with a few solutions before entering the same situation. Avoid holding a grudge with people and learn when to seek help from others. Realising your own shortcomings can become one of the greatest strengths of character over the years to come.

We can never control circumstances, people or situations as they are constantly changing. The only thing we can control is our response. So we have to increase our capacity to tolerate, ability to understand, and learn to nurture love for others.

Question 1.
What do you understand by the word ‘anger’?
Anger is nothing but absence of peace with oneself, people or situations around us. We express it either by being assertive or aggressive.

Question 2.
List any four strategies to manage anger.
Four strategies to manage anger are:

  • take five deep breaths.
  • count up to ten.
  • drink water.
  • change your place

Question 3.
How can you develop strengths of character as given in the passage above?
Realising one’s own shortcomings can become one of the greatest strengths of character.

Question 4.
Anger management helps you in (Tick the correct answer.)
(a) remaining always happy
(b) developing strength of character
(c) remaining stress free
(d) learning how to respond to the situation
(a) X
(b) ✓
(c) X
(d) X

Question 5.
What is under our control ? How can we make it a positive one?
Under our control, there is only one thing — that is; our response. By increasing our capacity to tolerate, ability to understand and nurture love for others, we can make it a positive one.

Text II

On Violence:
There is a great deal of violence in the world. There is physical violence and also inward violence. Physical violence is to kill another, to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate and inwardly, inside the skin, to dislike people, to hate people, to criticise people. Inwardly, we are always quarrelling, battling, not only with others, but with ourselves. We want people to change, we want to force them to our way of thinking.

In the world, as we grow up, we see a great deal of violence, at all levels of human existence. The ultimate violence is war – the killing for ideas, for so-called religious principles, for nationalities, the killing to preserve a little piece of land. To do that, man will kill, destroy, maim, and also be killed himself. There is enormous violence in the world, the rich wanting to keep people poor, and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich. And you, being caught in society, are also going to contribute to this.

There is violence between husband, wife, and children. There is violence, antagonism, hate, cruelty, ugly criticism, anger – all this is inherent in man, inherent in each human being. It is inherent in you. And education is supposed to help you to go beyond all that, not merely to pass an examination and get a job. You have to be educated so that you become a really beautiful, healthy, sane, rational human being, not a brutal man with a very clever brain who can argue and defend his brutality. You are going to face all this violence as you grow up. You will forget all that you have heard here, and will be caught in the stream of society. You will become like the rest of the cruel, hard, bitter, angry, violent world, and you will not help to bring about a new society, a new world.

But a new world is necessary. A new culture is necessary. The old culture is dead, buried, burnt, exploded, and vaporised. You have to create a new culture. A new culture cannot be based on violence. The new culture depends on you because the older generation has built a society based on violence, based on aggressiveness and it is this that has caused all the confusion, all the misery. The older generations have produced this world and you have to change it. You cannot just sit back and say, “I will follow the rest of the people and seek success and position.”

If you do, your children are going to suffer. You may have a good time, but your children are going to pay for it. So, you have to take all that into account, the outward cruelty of man to man in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of self-importance, in the name of the security of the family. You will have to consider the outward cruelty and violence, and the inward violence which you do not yet know. (Source: ‘On Violence’, On Education, J. Krishnamurti)

Question 1.
What is the physical violence that J. Krishnamurti is talking about?
Physical violence is to kill another; to hurt other people consciously, deliberately or without thought, to say cruel things, full of antagonism and hate and inwardly inside the skin, to hate people, to dislike people, to criticise people.

Question 2.
What is the violence that cannot be expressed?
Inwardly we are always quarrelling with ourselves; we want people to change, we want to force them to our way of thinking. This is the violence that can not be expressed.

Question 3.
War, the ultimate violence, could be due to (Tick the correct options) –
(a) difference of ideas
(b) religious principles
(c) nationalities
(d) the feeling to protect a little piece of land
(e) all of the above if) none of the above
(a) X
(b) X
(c) X
(d) X
(e) ✓
(f) X

Question 4.
How has J. Krishnamurti given the feelings of the rich and the poor in the given paragraph?
J. Krishnamurti says that there is enormous violence in the world; the rich wanting to keep people poor and the poor wanting to get rich and in the process hating the rich.

Question 5.
What is the role of education in a human being’s life?
According to J. Krishnamurti, there is violence, antagonism,, hate, cruelty, ugly criticism, anger — all inherent in man, in each human being. Education can help man to go beyond all that.

Question 6.
How, as a student, will you create a new world?
As a student, we can contribute to making a new world by :

  • staying in peace with our classfellows.
  • helping them in times of need.
  • standing behind them in danger.
  • removing all sorts of violent thoughts against my classfellows/teachers.
  • raising awareness in society against violence through placards, articles, essays etc.


Question 1.
Some verbs are given below. Write their nouns and adverb forms in the space provided.



encourage encouragement encouragingly
excite excitement excitingly
trouble trouble troublingly
beautify beauty beautifully
tremble tremble tremblingly


Reported speech:

Question 1.
Some children are taken to a health clinic for a regular checkup. Rewrite the sentences they speak in reported speech. (Use complain, say, tell, ask, inquire, mention, etc., wherever necessary.)
Ashish : I feel sleepy all the time.

Neha : I get pain in my legs when I run.

Sonal: I’m fine.

Ritu : I had fever last week.

Akash : Why do I always cough?

Rehman : Should I walk everyday to keep myself fit?

Sumi : Oh, thank you, Doctor. Now I know the reason for my constant stomach-ache.
Though ‘tell’ and ‘say’ almost mean the same, there are differences in the usage of the two words. ‘Tell’ is always followed by an indirect object but ‘say’ is not.

Example : I told my sister that she was right.
Ashish said he worked hard to achieve success.
We can use ‘ask’ with or without an indirect object.

Example : My mother asked (me) if I was ready for the party.
Madhu asked (the tailor) whether her dresses were ready.

  • Ashish complained that he felt sleepy all the time.
  • Neha complained that she got pain in her legs when she ran.
  • Sonal said that she was fine.
  • Ritu told that she had fever last week.
  • Akash inquired why he always coughed.
  • Rehman asked if he should walk everyday to keep himself fit.
  • Sumi thanked the doctor and mentioned that she knew, then, the reason for her constant stomach¬ache.

Question 2.
Use ‘said’, ‘told’ or ‘asked’ to fill in the blanks in the following sentences. One has been done for you.
Shilpi : Father, I want to go on a trip to Uttarkashi.
Shilpi told her father that she wanted to go on a trip to Uttarkashi.
Archana : It is very hot in Jaisalmer.
Archana said that it was very hot in Jaisalmer.
(a) The Scientist _________ that dinosaurs lived 230 million years ago.
(b) The teacher _________ the students that she was going to conduct a new experiment.
(c) Could you please _________ me where the new bookshop is located.
(d) The student _________ (the teacher) if it was possible.
(e) It is requested that he should _________ the truth.
(f) Father _________ (his son) whether he had paid his fees or not.
(a) said
(b) told
(c) tell
(d) asked
(e) tell
(f) asked


Jumbled Sentences:
Question 1.
Join the parts of the sentences given below and write meaningful sentences.
(a) by giving ultimate/individual can transform everything/expression to /the inner determination of an/the infinite potential of human being
(b) down many a time/but keep rising/that you may go/the Sun teaches us
(c) but how much love/much we give/we put into giving/it’s not how
(d) fit for human habitation/would mould the world/the citizens of tomorrow/into a globe
(e) you must hear/to be a great leader /and pains of people/the unspoken joys
(a) The inner determination of an individual can transform everything by giving ultimate expression to the infinite potential of human being.
(b) The sun teaches us that you may go down many a time but keep rising.
(c) It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.
(d) The citizens of tomorrow would mould the world into a globe fit for human habitation.
(e) To be a great leader, you must hear the unspoken joys and pains of people.


Question 1.
You have read a play by Anton Chekov. Given below is a story by the same author. Listen and enjoy the recorded story or someone may read it aloud to you. Then answer the questions that follow.
(Vanka Zhukov, a nine-year old boy, was made an assistant to Alyakhin, the Shoemaker. He didn’t go to bed on Christmas Eve. When everyone in the shop had gone to Church, he began to write on a crumpled sheet of paper. “Dear Grandfather Konstantin, he wrote”, I’m writing a letter to you. I wish you a Merry Christmas and all good things from the Lord God. I’ve no father and mother, and you are all I am left with.”)

Vanka raised his eyes to the dark windowpane. In his imagination he saw his grandfather Konstantin standing there. His grandfather was a night watchman on the estate of a rich man. Konstantin was a small, thin and lively old man of sixty-five whose face was always crinkling with laughter. In the daytime the old man slept in the servant’s kitchen or cracked jokes with the cooks. At night, wrapped in a big sheepskin coat he made rounds of the estate, blowing his whistle at regular intervals. He was always followed by his dogs, Brownie and Eel. Eel was a particularly remarkable dog. He was extremely respectful and endearing and looked lovingly on friends and strangers alike; yet no one trusted him. He would creep behind someone and bite his leg or run off with a peasant’s chicken. Many a time Eel was beaten mercilessly, yet he always managed to survive.

At this very moment, Vanka thought, grandfather was probably standing by the gates, looking up at the bright red windows of the village church and cracking jokes with the servants.

“What about a pinch of snuff ?” he would say, holding out his snuffbox to the women.

The women wotlld take a pinch and sneeze and the old man would feel happy about it. “Fine for frozen noses, eh!” he’d say.

The dogs, too, were given snuff. Brownie would sneeze, shake her head and walk away looking hurt. Eel, too polite to sneeze, only wagged his tail.

Vanka looked through the window. The weather was glorious. The air was fresh. The night was very dark, but the roofs of the houses and trees were all covered with snow. Stars twinkled in the sky and it appeared that they had been washed and placed there only for the holidays.

Vanka sighed, and went on writing: “Yesterday I was given a beating. That was because when I was rocking the baby in the cradle, I unfortunately fell asleep. Another day the mistress of the house asked me to clean the fish. I didn’t know how, so she rubbed the fish all over my face. My friends laughed at me. Then there’s nothing to eat. In the morning they give me bread, there is porridge for dinner and in the evening only bread again. The master and the mistress eat all the good things themselves. I sleep in the corridor and when the baby cries, I don’t get any sleep at all because I’ve to rock the cradle. Dear Grandfather, please take me away from here, take me to the village, it’s more than I can bear.” Vanka rubbed his eyes with his fists and sobbed.

“I’ll grind your snuff for you, he went on”, I’ll pray to God to keep you healthy and if I ever do anything wrong, you can beat me as you like. If you think there’s no place for me then I can clean boots or even work as a shepherd boy. Grandfather, it’s more than I can bear. I thought of running away to the village, but I don’t have any boots. If you’ll help me now, I’ll feed you when I grow up and when you die I’ll pray for your soul just like I do for my mother.

“Dear Grandfather, when they put up the Christmas tree at the big house, please take down a golden walnut for me and hide it in the green box. Ask the young mistress Olga, and say it is for Vanka.”

Vanka sighed and gazed in the direction of the window. He remembered it was grandfather who always went to the forest to cut down a Christmas tree for the rich people, taking Vanka with him. They had a wonderful time together, the snow falling, the trees crackling and hares springing across the trees,

When the tree had been chopped down, grandfather would drag it to the big house and they would start decorating it. The young mistress Olga, Vanka’s favourite, was the busiest of all. Vanka’s mother, when alive, had worked as Olga’s maid. Then Olga had given him all the sweets and played a lot with Vanka. But after his mother’s death, Vanka was sent to the kitchen to be with his grandfather and from there to Alyakhin, the shoemaker.

“Come to me, dear grandfather,” Vanka wrote on, “Please, take me away from here, have pity on me, a poor orphan. They are always beating me. I’m terribly hungry and so miserable that I’m always crying. Remember me to all my friends. I remain your grandson, Ivan Zhukov. Dear grandfather, please come soon.”

Vanka folded the sheet of paper and then put it in an envelope he had bought the previous day. He thought for a while, then wrote the address: To Grandfather in the Village. He added the words: Konstantin Makarich. He was happy that no one had disturbed him while he was writing his letter. He ran out to the street to post it. Vanka had been told by the clerks that letter were dropped in boxes from where they were carried all over the world on mail coaches drawn by horse and driven by drunken drivers, while the bells jingled. Vanka ran to the nearest mailbox and put his letter in it.

An hour later, lulled by sweetest hopes, he was fast asleep. He dreamed of a stove. His grandfather was sitting beside it, reading out his letter to the cooks. Eel, the dog, was walking round the stove, wagging his tail.
Anton Chekov
(a) Vanka went to bed early on Christmas Eve as _________.
he wanted to write a letter to his grandfather describing his perils and cajoling him to take with him.

(b) Why, of all people, did he write a letter to his grandfather?
Vanka was an orphaned child; he had no one to share his plights with except his grandfather. He felt happy in his company; so he wrote a letter to his gandfather hoping he would remove all his miseries.

(c) How was his grandfather a very lovable person?
His grandfater Konstantin was a night watchman whose face was always crinkling with laughter. In the day time, the old man slept in the servant’s kitchen or cracked jokes with the cooks.

(d) Vanka was beaten _________ times.

(e) Vanka was beaten because _________.
while rocking the baby in the cradle, he had unfortunately fallen asleep.

(f) What was Vanka prepared to do for grandfather if he was taken away from the shoemaker?
Vanka was ready to grind snuff for him, to clean boots, or to work as a shepherd boy.

(g) He was sent to Alyakhin, the shoe-maker, to _________.
assist the shoe-maker in his business and learn thereby the trade.

(h) Who does Vanka remember most at Christmas, next to his grandfather?
Vanka remembers Olga most next to his grandfather because she gave him all the sweets and played with him a lot.

(i) How did he address the letter?
Vanka addressed the letter as such – ‘Dear Grandfather Konstantin’

(j) Did he sleep well after posting the letter.? What did he dream?
Yes; after posting the letter, Vanka was fast asleep. In his dream during sleep; he saw his grandfather reading his letter and his dog walking round.


Question 1.
Enact the play in the class. Keep in mind – dialogue delivery – tone, voice modulation; non-verbal communications – facial expressions, gestures, movements, etc. Many things are communicated through these non-verbal tools.
Note : Do it yourself.

Question 2.
Two communicative tasks are given below. Practice in pairs or groups.
Task I
(Offering, accepting and refusing Help)
Role Play
Chaman : Hello Prem. You look tired. Is there anything I can do to help you ?
Prem: Thanks very much. I think I can manage. I am preparing a chart on children’s rights.
Chaman : It’s a lot of work. Let me help you.
Prem : Thank you. But I’ve already collected all the necessary information.
Chaman : I can help you in illustrating some of the rights.
Prem : Oh, can you ? That sounds wonderful.
Chaman : Could you tell me the themes to be illustrated ?
Prem: Here you are. I’m really thankful to you.
Chaman : What about children’s duties ?
Prem : Oh, yes. It’s a good suggestion. I’ll list their duties also.
Chaman: Thank you.
Pair or Group Work
Make up conversations like the one above imagining you are in the classroom. Use the clues given below.
(i) Excuse me…
(ii) Yes ?
(iii) I wonder if you could lend me your dictionary I’m doing my class work.
(iv) I’m sorry. I’m using it right now. Maybe later.
(v) That’s okay. Thanks any way.
Makeup similar conversations imagining you are in the following situations – in the kitchen, at the railway station, asking somebody to open the door, in a hospital, in the playground.
Aadwik : Excuse me.
Vaamika: Yes ?
Aadwik : I wonder you could lend me your dictionary; I am doing my class work.
Vaamika : I am sorry. I am using it right now. May be later.
Aadwik: That’s okay. Thanks any way.
Similar conversations
(1) Ritwik : Excuse me, Mumma.
Mumma: Yes ?
Ritwik: Would you please take down that bottle of chocolate from the shelf.
Mumma: Why ?
Ritwik : I have to drink it mixing in my glass of milk.
Mumma : Wait a minute; I am doing something serious.
(After a while Mumma takes down the bottle of chocolate and hands over to Ritwik.)
Ritwik: Thank you, Mumma.

(2) Hazari : Would you please open the door from inside, sir ?
Passenger: Isn’t there anybody else at the gate ?
Hazari : No, Sir. There is no one near the gate; please take pains; I have a heavy luggage.
Passenger : I’m coming; go near the gate.
Hazari : Ok, Sir.
Passenger : (Comes to the gate and opens it.) Here you are; you may board the train.
Hazari : Thank you, Sir, thanks a lot.

(3) Meena : Excuse.
Radha : Yes ?
Meena : Would you mind sharing your thermos of hot water; I’ve to prepare milk for the child.
Radha : I’m sorry. I too have to prepare milk a little later and I am left with a little hot water. WHiy don’t you take it from the pantry ?
Meena : Ok! Thanks!! This thing had not struck my mind. Thanks any way.

(4) Hari : Excuse me, sir.
Mr. Pandey : Yes ?
Hari: I’ve received injury in my knees. Can you please give me a band aid from the first aid box ?
Mr. Pandey : Why not ? After all this is for you. By the way how did you receive injury ? You should be careful.
Hari: While running behind the ball, I fell into a ditch caused by rain water. (He gets a band from Mr. Pandey). Thank you, sir, thanks a lot.

Task II

(Discussing, giving opinions, agreeing, and disagreeing)
Role Play:
Smita : Well! What do you think about violence on television?
Romila: If you ask me, there is too much violence on television. Children should not be exposed to it.
Smita : I don’t agree with you. Why do you say so?
Romila : It’s not wise to expose children to a lot of fighting, shooting, stabbing, and killing.
Smita : But children find it thrilling.
Romila : No, they don’t. On the contrary it brutalises them and makes them insensitive. They look upon violence and killing as common place incidents.
Smita : But the young people now-a-days are quite violent.
Romila : Precisely. It is the influence of television.Wouldn’t it be better if through television we give them the message of peace and togetherness.
Pair or Group Work
Discuss with your friends the following topics – people going abroad for studies, building a dispensary in place of a playground, sports cannot be a profession, or any topic that is of interest to you and your friends.
(1) Nitin : I wonder why people go abroad for higher studies. India is the land of knowledge. We have world class universities with world class infrastructure in them.

Manu : Degrees issued from foreign countries hold more value than that of degrees issued from Indian universities. Moreover such people show decency and decoram of highest order at the work place.

Nitin : I fail to understand why you think like that. Indian nationals constitute 30% of the working class in America. They are more professional than of their American counterparts.

Manu : You are right; but this is the way of the world. Despite being a place of knowledge, India ranks lower.

Nitin : How pathetic; things must change for the good.

(2) Akshay : Vidyut; did you hear that the land ear marked in our colony for a playground is going to be given for a dispensary ?

Vidyut: Yes; I heard but it’s injustice. Don’t you think so ?

Akshay : I do agree with you but I think on a larger plain. A dispensary will be more useful than that of a playground. With passage of time; playgrounds are usually converted into the dens of gangsters.

Vidyut : You are right; dear. A dispensary will be better to have; people of our colony will get immediate medical help.

(3) Ruchika : I’m of the firm opinion that sports can not be a profession; instead it is a source of entertainment.

Virdi : You are mistaken, my dear. Sports is a career in this world of ours. There are several people who have chosen it deliberately; got trained and succeeded. Today they are stars in their world. They lead a luxurious life due to their unmatched skills in their particular sports.

Ruchika : Why talk of those who are beyond our reach ? Take for example ourselves. Do you play ever for money?

Virdi: Doing something on a common plain may not bring success or make you a celebrity but if you do it in a big way; you can choose it to be a career.

Ruchika : Yes, yaar. What you say seems right but my conscience does not allow me to accept that sports is a profession. Anyway, thanks.


Question 1.
Letters in the olden times were carried by mail coaches driven by horses. How are they carried today ? List the types of letters sent by different means of transport.
Cards and envelopes are considered first class mail and are airlifted between stations covering both land and air transport. The second class mail includes book packets, registered newspapers and periodicals. They are carried by surface mail covering land and water transport. To facilitate quick delivery of mails in large towns and cities, six mail channels have been introduced recently. They are called Rajdhani channel, Metro channel, Green channel, Business channel, Bulk Mail channel and Periodical channel.

Question 2.
You have listened to the story of Vanka. Try writing an e-mail to your grandfather describing your life. Have you ever felt as bad as Vanka did? What did you do to feel happy again?
From : ravikant@gmail.com.
To : Harshavardhansao@gmail.com
Subject: Experience of a PG Life.
Compose mail
Dear Grandpa,
For completing of Diploma, I have shifted to Delhi and live in a Paying Guest residence. Food served here, I found, was of very low quality. They do not hesitate to serve stale food items; to add fuel to fire, they have imposed a limitation on its amount. For breakfast; they give only one paratha; for lunch; hardly a fistful of rice and for dinner; only two chapatis. Fed up with the system, I decided to hire a room here and cook myself to remove my difficulties. Things are fine now but I have to waste my precious time in cooking.
Any way I feel happy to have overcome my difficulties.
With love and regards :
Your grandson,

Question 3.
(a) You have read ‘A Letter to God’ in your textbook First Flight. Lencho wrote a letter to God expressing his desire. Did it reach God ?
No, Lencho’s letter did not reach God but it reached a post master who acted like God by sending him the desired amount of money.

(b) Do you think Vanka’s letter reached his grandfather ? What is the correct way to address a letter ?
In villages, the postman knows everybody by his name. Hence there is every possibility that the Vanka’s letter might have reached his grandfather. However, Vanka forgot to write the address on the envelope. So it is likely that it might not have reached his grandfather.

The correct way address a letter is :

Name of place
Date :

Yours truly.
Address :Mame of person concerned.
Lane No. ___, Block No. ___,
Floor No. ___, Flat No. ___,
Residential complex name
Place (PIN CODE)

(c) Suppose Vanka and Lencho meet. Create an interesting dialogue between the two. What encouraged them to write letters to God and grandfather ?.
Lencho : Hello! Vanka.
Vanka : Hello! How are you ?
Lencho : ____________________
Vanka : ____________________
Lencho : ____________________
Vanka : ____________________
Lencho : ____________________
Vanka : ____________________
Lencho : Since I lost my crops in heavy hail storm, I asked God for help. He responded to me but the postal people are crooked fellows; they paid me less amount than it was sent. I complained to God. His response is awaited.

Vanka : Being fed up with my landlord, I wrote a letter to my grandfather to rescue me from here and take me to his place. Surprisingly I got no response so far; but my grandpa is a jolly kind of person.

Lencho : The moment I get rest of the money from God; I would be relieved of my worries for a year. Otherwise I shall have go hungry for the whole year; I have nothing to feed to even my wife and children.

Vanka : Be patient, my dear. God is kind; He takes time but the wish is fulfilled in due course.

Lencho : Yes; I agree. I have firm faith that your grandfather will come to your rescue soon.

Vanka : Let’s hope so. God is Great.

Lencho : Yes; God is Great.


Question 1.
Suppose you were asked to find a groom or a bride for a member of your family. What characteristics would you look for in them ? Make a list.
You can also talk to them to know what they think their partner must possess.
List of characteristics I would look for:

  • Fair complexion
  • Smart (in outlook and appearance)
  • Educational qualification.
  • Experience in any job (if any)
  • Family background and status
  • Not physically handicapped
  • Sober by nature
  • Compatible hobbies, habits and dressing sense
  • curious to learn and obey
  • respects elders
  • active and participative
  • God fearing (religious).

Words and Expressions Class 10 Solutions

Class 10 English Literature Reader

Class 10 English First Flight (Prose)

Class 10 English First Flight (Poem)

Class 10 English Footprints without Feet