Signs of Coordinates of a Point

In an ordered pair, the sign of coordinates decides that particular point goes into which quadrant of the coordinate plane. If you are not aware of the importance of coordinate signs, then you may face issues while plotting points on the coordinate graph. So, check out the step by step process to find the quadrant of a point. Have a glance at the solved examples and understand the concept better.

Steps to Find Signs of Coordinates of a Point in All Quadrants

These are the simple steps to identify the signs of coordinates of a point easily. On a coordinate graph the lines X’OX, Y’OY represent the coordinate axes. In that line, OX is considered as the positive x-axis, and OX’ is taken as the negative x-axis. In the same way, OY is a positive y-axis and OY’ is a negative y-axis.

As we all know that in a point (x, y) x represents the abscissa or x coordinate value, and y represents the ordinate or y coordinate. You must observe the sign of these x and y coordinates to choose which part of the graph the point goes into.

If both x, y > 0, then the point is in quadrant I

If x < 0, y >0, then the point is in quadrant II

If x < 0, y < 0, then the point lies in quadrant III

If x > 0, y <0= 0, then point goes to quadrant IV

The below-mentioned graph will give brief information.

All Four Quadrants

The main important points about the point coordinates sign are listed below.

  • Any point having abscissa, ordinate as positive lies in the first quadrant.
  • The coordinates of a point lie in the second quadrant when its x coordinate is negative and the y coordinate is positive.
  • When a point is in the third quadrant, then its abscissa and ordinates are having negative signs.
  • The points in the fourth quadrant have the x coordinate positive sign and the y coordinate negative sign.