Ratio to Percentage Calculator | Writing a ratio as a percentage

Usually, we express ratios in terms of m:n, and to convert it to the percentage you just need to divide m by n and multiply with 100. Check out the Step by Step Procedure listed to convert Ratio to Percentage in the coming sections. Get Solved Examples on how to convert the ratio to percentage and apply the same in your calculations.

How to Convert Ratio to Percentage?

Follow the simple and easy steps listed for Ratio to Percentage Conversion and make your work much simple. They are along the lines

  • Firstly, obtain the given ratio and convert it to a fraction.
  • Work out the division between the given fraction.
  • Multiply the obtained decimal with 100 to get the Percentage Value.
  • Add a Percentage Symbol after the result.

Solved Examples on Ratio to Percentage Conversion

1. If the Ratio is 8:2, What is it in Percentage Form?


Given Ratio = 8:2

Change the Given Ratio to Fraction Form = 8/2

Perform Division between the fraction and change it to a decimal value i.e 8/2 = 4

Simply multiply the result with 100 and place a % symbol at the end.

= 4*100

= 400%

Therefore, Ratio 8:2 converted to Percentage is 400%.

2.  John got his monthly salary. The ratio of expenditure to savings is 5:2. What percentage of the salary, did he spend, and what percentage was saved by him?


Since the expenditure and savings are 5 and 2 the salary can be taken as 5+2 = 7 parts. This implies the expenditure is 5/7 parts and savings are 2/7 parts.

Converting Ratio to Percentage we get

Expenditure Percentage = 5/7*100 = 71.42%

Savings Percentage = 2/7*100 = 28.57%

3. There are 50 students in a class of which 15 are boys. What is the Percentage of Boys?


Given Ratio is 15:50

Converting it to Fraction Form we have 15/50

= 3/10

Multiply the fraction obtained with 100 and place a % symbol at the end

= 3/10*100

= 30%

Therefore, the Percentage of Boys in the Class of 50 Students is 30%.

4. The Angles of a Triangle are in the Ratio of 1:3:2? Find the Value of each angle along with the percentage of each angle?


Since the angles are in the ratio 1:3:2 total parts = 1+3+2 = 6

The measure of the first angle = 1/6*180 = 30 degrees

The measure of the second angle = 3/6*180 = 90 degrees

The measure of the third angle = 2/6*180 = 60 degrees

First Angle Percentage = 1/6*100 = 16.66 %

Second Angle Percentage = 3/6*100 = 50%

Third Angle Percentage = 2/6*100 = 33.33%