Positive Rational Number

In this article, you will learn about Positive Rational Numbers. Get to know about solved examples and explaining all about how come they are called Positive Rational Numbers. A Rational Number is said to be positive if both the numerator and denominator are either positive integers or negative integers. You can also say that a rational number is positive if both numerator and denominator are of the same sign.

1/6, 2/7, -9/-11, -5/-13, 8/12 are positive rationals, but 6/-5, -3/11, -8/7, 9/-23 are not positive rationals.

Is every natural number a positive rational number?

We know 1 = 1/1, 2 = 2/1, 3 = 3/1, 4 = 4/1 and ……..

Any natural number n can be written as n/1 where n, 1 are positive integers.

Therefore, every natural number is a positive rational number. Do remember Rational Number 0 is neither positive nor negative.

Determine whether the following rational numbers are positive or not

(i) -7/3

-7/ 3 is not a positive rational number as both the numerator and denominator are of opposite sign.

(ii) -9/-11

-9/-11 is a positive rational number as both the numerator and denominator are of the same sign.

(iii) 11/19

11/19 is a positive rational number since both numerator and denominator are positive integers.

(iv) 21/-7

21/-7 is not a positive rational number as both the numerator and denominator are of opposite sign.

(v) -105/7

-105/7 is not a positive rational number as both numerator and denominator are of opposite sign.

(vi) 25/31

25/31 is a positive rational number since both numerator and denominator are positive integers.

(vii) -6/5

-6/5 is not a positive rational number as both the numerator and denominator are of opposite sign.

(viii) 21/-25

21/-25 is not a positive rational number as both numerator and denominator are of opposite sign.

Thus, we can say that a rational number is positive if it has both numerator and denominator are of the same sign.