CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions

Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
  2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
  3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section – A
Reading (20 Marks)

I. Read the passage given below. [10]
1. Mountains have always been held in great awe by mankind. They have been a challenge to humans. Those brave among us have always wanted to conquer them. You see, the more incredible the mountains, the greater the thrill – a challenge to the bravery of the human race.

Climbing mountains is an experience that is hard to put into words. You are in a beautiful environment and, when you reach the top, you feel incredible. But you also have to climb down, which is when most accidents happen – people are tired, it gets dark, it’s harder. So, mountain climbing is undoubtedly one of the most popular adventure sports along with being challenging and risky for the climber.

2. Without any perceived risk, there can’t be a feeling that any significant challenge has been surmounted. Fair, but we have to bear in mind that mountaineering is not a sport that can be embraced without preparation. The enthusiasts must develop in themselves the spirit of adventure, willingness to undertake hardships and risks, extraordinary powers of perseverance, endurance, and keenness of purpose before climbing a mountain.

They should also know how to handle the mountaineering equipment. Then comes the penance of the rigorous training. This could very well be the lifeline up there. It helps inculcate and hone survival instincts that allow the climber to negotiate perilous situations. There are numerous institutes in India and abroad that offer such training.

3. Mountain climbers are unanimous in agreeing that the unpredictable weather is what they fear the most. There may be sunshine one moment and a snowstorm the other. At higher altitudes, snow is a regular feature and being decisive about setting up camps or proceeding further is crucial. The icy sheets after ice storms make walking treacherous, while the powdery snow makes a mountaineer sink deep into the snow.

Up there, where the intention is to embrace Nature’s wonder, one realises that it cannot be done without facing its formidable glory. A true mountaineer may challenge the mountain, yet is always respectful to the powerful forces of nature.

4. Summiting mountains carries its own health risks such as oxygen and altitude sickness problems, frost bites, swelling of hands and feet, fluid collection in brain or lungs and exhaustion. Yet, the gratification mountaineers feel from mastering something that is so frightening, urges them to undertake these endeavours.

We may think that the mountaineers are fearless, experts say, “Not at all. It’s fear that keeps them so intrigued with such arduous journeys.” Impulse and brazenness can be deadly foes. In the words of the Indian mountaineer, Bachendri Pal, “The biggest risk … is to not to take the risk at all. Remember that.” (444 words)
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. [1 x 10]
(i) Why does the writer say that mountains inspire ‘awe’ in humans? (Paragraph 1) [1]
A. They present us with opportunities for exciting sports.
B. They evoke the wish in us, to master them.
C. They inspire in us, deeds of valour.
D. They represent peace and calm, to us.
B. They evoke the wish in us, to master them.

(ii) Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:
The more incredible the mountains -the greater the thrill (Paragraph 1) [1]
A. The higher the stamina-the lower the food intake
B. The more you laugh-the lesser your illness
C. The smaller the car-the bigger the advantage
D. The heavier the luggage-the higher the penalty
D. The heavier the luggage-the higher the penalty

(iii) Select the option that displays what the writer projects, with reference to the following:
So, mountain climbing is undoubtedly one of the most popular adventure sports. (Paragraph 1) [1]
A. doubt
B. caution
C. conviction
D. denial
C. conviction

(iv) Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 1. [1]

Opinion Reason
Best experienced rather than described

Hard to put into words.

(v) The writer compares training to penance in the line -Then comes the penance of the rigorous training. (Paragraph 2) [1]
State 1 point of similarity between training and penance.
Both training and penance are difficult long-term tasks that require perseverance.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions

(vi) Based on your reading of the text, list 2 reasons why the writer says that “mountaineering is not a sport that can be embraced without preparation”. (Paragraph 2) [1]

  1. ___________
  2. ___________


  1. The sport requires mountaineering equipment and the knowledge to handle it.
  2. The sport is hard on mind and body. Thus, keen spirit and stamina is required.

(vii) What connection does the writer draw out between unpredictable weather and setting up of camps? (Paragraph 3) [1]
A mountaineer must be experienced enough to know when to set up camps and when to keep on moving further based on the weather as they may prefer to climb when it’s sunny and camp when it’s snowing.

(viii) The writer says, “A true mountaineer may challenge the mountain, yet is always respectful to the powerful forces of nature.” (Paragraph 3)
Select the reason the mountaineer is respectful to the forces of nature, up in the mountains. [1]
A. survival
B. experience
C. tradition
D. directive
A. survival

(ix) Supply 1 point to justify the following:
While mountain climbing, an impulsive mountaineer is either disaster-prone or as good as dead. [1]
Mountain climbing is a risky sport that requires preparedness and level-headedness. Any rash-decision can prove fatal very quickly.

(x) Evaluate the INAPPROPRIATE reason for the feeling of exhilaration on reaching a summit, that the mountain-climbers experience. [1]
A. Achievement of a seemingly impossible feat
B. Spectacular panoramic view
C. Application of the inculcated survival instincts
D. Opportunity to use sophisticated mountaineering equipment
D. Opportunity to use sophisticated mountaineering equipment

II. Read the passage given below. [10]
(1) The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of people and races, an ethnic tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these states are lesser explored as compared to the rest of the country. The new generations of travellers who are “money rich and time poor” are increasingly looking for unique experiences -a phenomenon being called the emergence of the “experience economy”. For this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with its variety and uniqueness holds immense attraction.

(2) A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign tourist arrival in the North-East increased from 37,380 persons in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of tourist (both domestic and foreign) in the North-East was as high as 26.44% during 2005-06.

A high and positive growth of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to North-East States of India during 2012 from 2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during 2013 from 2012. Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2014 from 2013, according to data provided from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

(3) The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to concentrate on some key areas like enhancement of tourist facilities, tourism financing focus on community involvement and others for the formulation of a sustainable tourism strategy in the North-East States of India. (234 words)
(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in paragraph 1. [1]
The rate of tourism in the North-East of India puzzles tourism officials.
North-East states have a lot to offer in terms of tourism but are often ignored by the tourists as compared to the rest of the country.

(ii) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks. [1]
From Paragraph 1, we can infer that the ________ and ________ of the North-Eastern states aid attracting the ‘money rich and time poor” tourists.
1. distinctiveness
2. conventionality
3. diversity
4. uniformity
5. modernity
A. 1 & 3
B. 2 & 4
C. 2 & 5
D. 1 & 4
A. 1 & 3

(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/ phrase from paragraph 1:
aroma: cooking:: ________ : painting [1]
(Clue: Just like aroma is integral to cooking similarly is/ are integral to painting)
hues and shades

(iv) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence: [1]
Travellers advocating the ‘experience economy’ seek a holiday package with (Paragraph 1)
A. grand facilities, expensive hotels and excellent services to pamper them.
B. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.
C. places and cities to buy things from and opportunities spend money.
D. cost-effective services, affordable accommodation and many days of touring.
B. a wholesome experience within the budget they have planned for.

(v) Select the chart that appropriately represents the trend of foreign tourist travels in the North-East, from 2011-2014, as per paragraph 2. [1]
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions 1
A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
B. Option 2

(vi) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option. [1]
The study of tourist travel statistics in the North-East, from 2005 to 2014 showed ________ results.
A. expected
B. encouraging
C. inconsistent
D. questionable
B. encouraging

(vii) Substitute the word ‘witnessed’ with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following sentence from paragraph 2: [1]
Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of …

(viii) List any 2 examples of ‘tourist facilities’ as referred to, in Paragraph 3. [1]

  • Accommodation in terms of hotels, resorts, camps.
  • Well-connected transport facilities.

(ix) List one reason why the researchers recommend that the formulation of a tourism strategy in the North-Eastern States of India be sustainable. [1]
Tourism produces a lot of garbage and waste, and this can damage the wildlife and ecosystem of North¬East, which is why a sustainable tourism strategy is required.

(x) Select the option that titles paragraphs 1-3 appropriately, with reference to information in the text. [1]
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions 2
B. 1. Winds of Change
2. Numbers Don’t Lie
3. Time for Action

Section – B
Grammar (10 Marks)

III. Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. [10]
(i) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete an online update.
The climate control comment by an activist ________ on social media yesterday.
A. blow up
B. blew up
C. is blown
D. will be blown
B. blew up

(ii) Read the conversation between a doctor and his patient. Complete the sentence by reporting the patient’s reply correctly.
Doctor: Do you feel down from time-to-time Mr. Gopalan?
Patient: Yes, I do not stay in a good mood.
The doctor, while trying to figure out his patient’s ailment, asked about his well-being, to which, the patient affirmed ________.
that he does not stay in a good mood.

(iii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a health magazine.
The advertisement read, ‘If you smoke, statistically your story ________ end 15% before it should’.
A. must
B. should
C. will
D. ought to
C. will

(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a news report:
Last week a child was not allowed to board the plane at Ranchi airport.

Option No. Error Correction
A. child children
B. last previous
C. the a
D. at in

C. the, a

(v) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option:
As I was standing on the dock, looking out at the lake for the last time, a feeling of emptiness ________ over me like darkness.
A. will wash
B. had washed
C. will have washed
D. washed
D. washed

(vi) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter:
Subject: Request for Approval Dear Sir
This is to respectfully submit that I ________ (seek) approval for organising a tree plantation drive to be undertaken by the club.

(vii) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence:
Grandson: Grandpa, who are your superheroes?
Grandpa: Anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others.
In response to the question about his superheroes, grandfather says that ________.
it is anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others.

(viii) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction.
In order to balancing the sentiments of the Eagles and the Hawks, the Student Council suggested a rematch between the teams.
Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction


Error Correction
Balancing Balance

(ix) Sunil shared some information, with Tariq, about a holiday at sea. Report Tariq’s question.
Did you enjoy travelling by sea?
Tariq asked Sunil whether he had enjoyed travelling by sea.

(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan by the Ministry for Child Welfare.

(xi) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Latha and her father. Father: Why ask so many questions, Latha?
Latha: I believe that if you don’t know the answer, keep asking till you do!
Father asked Latha the reason for the many questions she was asking. Latha exclaimed good-humouredly that in event of not knowing the answer one should ________.
A. keep asking till one does.
B. kept asking till one does.
C. keep asking till one do.
D. kept on to ask till one do.
A. keep asking till one does.

(xii) Identify the error on a shop’s hoarding and supply the correction, for the following sales offer:
Gumnaam & Daughters Pvt. Ltd.                                       Bindapur, Jharkhand
Massive discount for all senior citizen vaccinated with the precautionary dose.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction


error correction
all each

Section – C
Creative Writing Skills (10 Marks)

IV. All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental. [10]
Question 1.
Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. [5]
A. You are Sunidhi Prakash, the Vice Captain of Brilliant Vidyalaya, Barra, Kanpur. You have recently noticed several posters around your school premises conveying hazardous message:

Lose weight in just a month!
“A WONDER DIET comes to your rescue …
A privilege available for only a few!”

Write a letter to the Editor of The DWA, in not more than 120 words, drawing attention towards harm caused by such advertising. Propose the implementation of “Wholesome Lunch Month’ in schools as an idea to address such practices, mention the advantages and share suggestions to foster healthy eating routines and develop positive body image among youngsters.
Brilliant Vidyalaya, Barra
29 August 2022
The Editor
K-21, Anjana Pura
Subject: Need for Promoting Healthy Eating Routines
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is with reference to posters bearing the message of ‘crash diet’ being posted around our school premises. Such posters impact the youngsters negatively and can be hazardous for their self-esteem.

I would like to propose the idea of implementing “Wholesome Lunch Month’ for all school students to counter the implications of such misleading advertisements. This initiative is sure to encourage all students to bring nutritious and healthy lunch daily and develop healthy eating routines. To ensure that this project gains strength, schools may organise puppet shows, street plays, Ted Talks (by Nutritionists/ Psychologists), encompassing the theme, to foster healthy eating routines and a positive body image.

I hope that the publishing of my letter in the columns of your renowned Daily will help spread awareness and promote a healthy lifestyle among students.
Yours truly,
Sunidhi Prakash
B. You are Zac Skaria, a resident of # 412, Magna Greens Apartments, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara, Mumbai. Three students of grade 10 from your residential complex have rescued and rehabilitated a few old beggars from the neighbourhood. You think that their work deserves appreciation and recognition. Write a letter to the President of the RWA, seeking recommendation for these youth, to be nominated for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’. Suggest other ways such acts of kindness could be recognised and awarded in the future.
421, Magna Greens Apartments
Gandhi Marg, Jonpara
19 July 2022
The President
RWA, Magna Greens Apartments
42, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara
Subject: Seeking Recommendation for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ Nominations
Dear Sir,
This is with reference to the empathetic social service done by Miss Jiya, Mas Adwait and Master Pranit (residents of our complex), in rescuing and rehabilitating a few old beggars from our neighbourhood. These students ensured that the beggars were rehabilitated at ‘Seva Sadan’- an NGO which takes care of the needy of our city.

This selfless initiative carried out with dedication and responsibility, deserves due recognition. I, therefore, request you to issue a letter of recommendation for these students to be nominated for ‘Serving Citizens’ Award’ organised by the local Municipal Corporation.

I would also like to submit that the RWA set up a special committee that looks into such acts in the future. This would aid dedicated attention and appropriate screening of nominations. Arrangement of academic sponsorships for such children would also be an encouraging gesture.
I entreat you address this at your earliest convenience and issue the recommendation letters.
Yours sincerely,
Zac Skaria

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions

Question 2.
Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. [5]
A. Gurmeet Kaur is an aspiring candidate for a public-funded engineering college in the suburbs.
She belongs to a nearby village, has minimal technological skills and exposure, has the required cut-off percentage and is looking for a complete or partial scholarship.
Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words, analysing her SWOT notes to support your stand on whether she should join/not join the college.

  • Strong Curriculum
  • Quality faculty
  • Vibrant Activity Clubs
  • Green location
  • Close proximity to residential areas
  • Lack of diversity
  • Students’ behavioural problems
  • No hostel facility
  • Slow repair and maintenance work
  • Underutilisation of IT Services
  • Lack of targeted advertisements to out-state students
  • Practice based research
  • Partnership with professional organisations
  • Acclaimed Student Exchange
  • Lack of publicity in areas of excellence
  • Public perception towards funded colleges
  • Declining students’ interest towards technical subjects
  • Low employee morale due to budget cuts

In support of the decision: The given information illustrates the options Gurmeet would weigh in order to take the right decision about her admission to a public-funded engineering college. With the availability of a strong curriculum, quality faculty, and vibrant activity clubs, she will be assured of an enriching educational journey. Though hostel facility is unavailable, she may take up accommodation in the suburbs or choose to travel daily from her village.

Good opportunities for practice-based research, partnership with professional companies, and an international students’ exchange program will enhance her professional and interpersonal skills. Hard work, responsible behaviour, and prudent decision making could help Gurmeet thrive in the college even though it has a rigid and conventional culture. The strengths and opportunities work in favour of Gurmeet. Taking this opportunity will allow her to mend the incorrect public perception towards public-funded colleges and students’ outlook toward technical subjects.

Against the decision: The given information indicates Gurmeet’s dilemma about seeking admission to a publicly-funded college. Though equipped with a strong curriculum, engaging activity clubs, and an able faculty, the college lacks diversity and good conduct among the students, giving rise to concerns regarding a safe environment for a novice like Gurmeet.

Underutilisation of IT services will be further detrimental to the progress of Gurmeet’s educational journey and add to extra costs related to research work. If she does not qualify for a complete or partial scholarship, the arrangement of her own accommodation and additional expense of the students’ exchange program will increase her expenditure, too. Such a college environment may dampen her endeavouring spirit. The weakness and threats outweigh the strengths, in the case of Gurmeet. So, it is recommended that Gurmeet does not apply for admission to the said college.
B. Read the following excerpt from an online post of a website on educational practices.
Kids who appreciate how much effort, time and care goes into growing food will understand how important farmers are, and why it’s important to take care of our Earth. In the world of today, gardening needs to be given more importance than sports, music and dance in all schools because it creates environmental stewards and outdoor learning laboratories that help the child and community for years to come.
Write a paragraph in 100-120 words to analyse the given argument.
You could think about what alternative explanations might weaken the given conclusion and include rationale / evidence that would strengthen / counter the given argument.
Argument FOR the subject of the statement: In today’s world gardening needs to be given more importance than sports, music, and dance in all schools. While sports, music, and dance contribute to personal growth, the current times mandate attention towards an issue that is global – nature and natural processes. With increasing food wastage in many homes today and the urban young believing that vegetables are grown, and harvested at the supermarkets, the efforts of the farmers are discredited.

Gardening at school will open a world of first-hand learning experiences of sowing, watering, and harvesting processes. Waiting for the saplings to grow will inculcate sensitivity, patience, empathy, gratitude, and value for one’s hard work. They will feel accountable for their piece of Mother Earth, resulting in making them efficient and enterprising environmental stewards. Unlike sports, music, or dance, gardening goes beyond just enjoyment to create aware and responsible citizens of the future.

Argument AGAINST the subject of the statement: Gardening, certainly, should not be given precedence over sports, music, and dance in all schools. Gardening at school requires good planning with hands-on guidance and continued supervision by the teachers. Students tend to lose interest due to the slow and natural growth progress of plants as well as the investment of continuous hard work.

Small targets or goals would be missing, whereas the danger of destruction of their work due to rains, intrusion of grazing animals or a pest attack is like to set in a feeling of defeat. It may be noted that sports, music, and dance are uplifting activities that display faster results, are enjoyable, and inculcate team spirit, collaboration and confidence. Unlike gardening, setbacks in these activities can be addressed with some sense of personal control. These activities help students express and de-stress successfully. So, maintaining their due importance in the school’s co-curriculum is imperative.

Section – D
Literature (40 Marks)

V. Reference to the Context: [10]
Question 1.
Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. [5]
A. “Hey, a tea garden!” Rajvir cried excitedly.
Pranjol, who had been bom and brought up on a plantation, didn’t share Rajvir’s excitement.
“Oh, this is tea country now,” he said. “Assam has the largest concentration of plantations in the world.
You will see enough gardens to last you a lifetime!”
“I have been reading as much as I could about tea,” Rajvir said. “No one really knows who discovered tea but there are many legends.” (Glimpses of India)

(i) Why was Pranjol not as excited as Rajvir about the tea gardens? [1]
A. He disliked looking at tea gardens.
B. He had worked in tea gardens himself.
C. He had grown up in and around tea gardens.
D. He was bored with tea gardens.
C. He had grown up in and around tea gardens.

(ii) What does Pranjol mean by saying that Assam has the largest concentration of plantations in the world? [1]
Pranjol means that the cultivation of tea plants and their harvesting are the highest in Assam as compared to the rest of the world.

(iii) Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only. [1]
Pranjol’s ________ comes through clearly when he exclaims, “You will see enough gardens to last you a lifetime!” [1]

(iv) How according to Rajvir does the world know about the discovery of tea? [1]
A. Historical places
B. Traditional tales
C. Authentic anecdotes
D. Popular publications
B. Traditional tales

(v) Select the option that correctly captures the application of the word ‘cried’ as used in line 1 of the extract. [1]
A. Jaspreet cried a lot in spite of winning second place in a competition.
B. Jaspreet cried out loud when she saw a white tiger in the sanctuary.
C. Jaspreet cried for hours when the police were unable to find her lost pet.
D. Jaspreet has barely cried since she was three years of age.
B. Jaspreet cried out loud when she saw a white tiger in the sanctuary.
Question 1.
B. OMEGA: It shall be done, Sir. Remove vitamins. (Crew takes vitamins from boxes on their belts.) Present vitamins.
(They hold vitamins out in front of them, stiffly.) Swallow vitamins. (They pop the vitamins into their mouths and gulp simultaneously. They open their eyes wide, their heads shake, and they put their hands to their foreheads.)
THINK-TANK: Excellent. Now, decipher that code.
ALL: It shall be done, Sir. (They frown over the book, turning pages.)
OMEGA: (brightly) Aha!
IOTA: (brightly) Oho!
OOP: (bursting into laughter) Ha, ha, ha.
THINK-TANK: What does it say? Tell me this instant. Transcribe, Omega. (The Book that Saved the Earth)

(i) Select the option that correctly captures the usage of the word ‘present’ from line 1 of the extract. [1]
A. Oops received a nice present from Think Tank.
B. Iota needs to present his opinion firmly.
C. Omega must focus on the present and leave the past behind.
D. Oops didn’t know anyone even though a crowd was present.
B. Iota needs to present his opinion firmly.

(ii) Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the text.
frown: smile:: gloomily: ________ [1]

(iii) Select the option that displays the reason why all crew members were asked to have vitamins.
In order to: [1]
A. boost their physical energies.
B. adapt to their circumstances.
C. quickly turn all the pages.
D. accomplish a specific task.
D. accomplish a specific task.

(iv) According to the extract, what did THINK-TANK most likely want OMEGA to do when he said ‘Transcribe…’? [1]
1. read aloud
2. translate
3. make notes
4. interpret
5. record reactions
Select the correct option.
A. 1 & 3
B. 2 & 4
C. Only 3
D. 1, 4 and 5
B. 2 & 4

(v) The playwright places certain words and sentences in brackets in the given extract. [1]
List any ways these benefit both the director and actors.
1. ________
2. ________
1. To aid actors and director in understanding the emotions and gestures required during the scenes.
2. To give an idea of stage setting and actions during dialogues.

Question 2.
Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given: [5]
A. The trees inside are moving out into
the forest,
the forest that was empty all these
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these
will be full of trees by morning. (The Trees)

(i) Complete the sentence appropriately. [1]
It is clear that Personification is the poetic device used for ‘No sun bury its feet….’ because.
________ (Clue: explain how personification applies here)
The Sun and its rays are equated with a trait of human and its feet, even though it is a non-living thing,

(ii) The poet has used a poetic device in the given lines. What effect does she wish to create by its use? [1]
…no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun…
A. emphasis
B. comparison
C. rhyme
D. humour
A. emphasis

(iii) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE: [1]
The extract uses trees as a symbol for conservative people.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 English Set 1 with Solutions

(iv) Select the appropriate option to complete the sentence, according to the extract. [1]
The idea of a forest that has been ’empty all these days’ is ________.
A. unnatural
B. scary
C. magical
D. legendary
A. unnatural

(v) Flow does the use of enjambment impact this extract? [1]
A. It forces frequent pauses.
B. It simplifies the meaning.
C. It builds momentum.
D. It makes the lines lyrical.
C. It builds momentum.
B. But I can get a hair-dye
And set such colour there,
Brown, or black, or carrot,
That young men in despair
May love me for myself alone
And not my yellow hair.”
(i) What is the poet’s tone in the extract?
1. thoughtful
2. authoritative
3. agitated
4. insulting
5. argumentative
Select the appropriate option.
A. 1, 4
B. 3, 5
C. 2, 4
D. 1, 5
B. 3, 5

(ii) What causes the young men to ‘despair’, according to the extract? [1]
The knowledge of being hopelessly in love without any reciprocation of their feeling drives young men to despair.

(iii) Identify the reason for the speaker’s need to colour her hair, as per the extract. [1]
A. Her control over what makes her look beautiful
B. Her desire to be loved for inner beauty
C. Her need to change people’s perception about beauty
D. Her conviction that she is beautiful inside
D. Her conviction that she is beautiful inside

(iv) Complete the analogy about the speaker’s hair. [1]
yellow: blonde :: ________ : carrot

(v) Select the sentence in which the word ‘set’ is used in the similar manner as line 2 of the extract. [1]
A. I want to set him up and get my work done this time.
B. Do you have another set of the books that I can read?
C. The dessert needs to set for two hours before being served.
D. The set for the school play looked quite grand.
C. The dessert needs to set for two hours before being served.

VI. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. [4 x 3 = 12]
(i) Validate the given statement with reference to baby seagull’s fear. [3]
‘Fear doesn’t exist anywhere else other than one’s mind.’ (His First Flight- Two Stories about Flying)
The battle with fear is fought in the mind first. The baby seagull was too afraid to fly. He had fears of his wings not being able to support his weight, or his first flight might end in him falling down. He even saw his family fly and encourage him, but his mind is so overpowered by fear that any sense of assurance did not work.

(ii) Explain why the poet personally holds the conviction that the world will primarily end in fire? (Fire and Ice) [3]
Robert Frost alludes to his personal experiences about the destructive nature of the fiery aspect of desire. He admits that he had tasted the wrath of fire in his life and sides by those people that the world will perish in fire.

(iii) Valli’s unique maiden bus ride experience could be possible because she belonged to a small village. Do you agree? Why? /Why not? (2 reasons) (Madam Rides a Bus) [3]
Agree: Valli could plan her bus ride back and forth because there was only one bus in her village that she had observed several times. In big cities and towns, where there are many buses and vehicles, it is hard to keep a track. Besides, it is more dangerous for children to travel alone in cities as compared to villages which are small and everyone knows everyone.

Disagree: Valli was a young kid fascinated by bus-ride, which means she would’ve done it either way even if she were living in a big city. Cities have multiple buses for a route, meaning no constraint to stick to one bus. Besides, it is far easier to go unnoticed in a big city as compared to a small village.

(iv) Give one reason why ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is more a fable than a ballad. [3]
Fables are short anecdotes with fascinating mythical creatures and animals that teach a lesson and are a work of pure fiction. Ballads, on the other hand, are narrative verses set to music which tell the tales of heroic acts or love and might be inspired from real events. Hence, ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ better qualifies as a fable.

(v) How can we say that Natalya was continuously successful in maintaining an upper hand during her arguments with Lomov? (Any one example) (The Proposal) [3]
Natalya always had an upper hand in her arguments with Lomov because she presented her opinions with facts and calm demeanour. Natalya argued that her dog was of better breed and could run faster. She replied to every query with a well-formed answer.

VII. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. [2 x 3 = 6]
(i) Dr. Herriot knew his patients as well as their owners really well. Discuss. [3]
(The Triumph of Surgery)
Dr. Herriot handled the situation with his patients and their owners very professionally. He saw Tricki in the market and observed that the dog needs to be treated for its obesity. He could have blamed the owner, Mrs. Pumphrey for the pitiful condition of her dog, but he never spoke any harsh words, knowing fully well that it could backfire.

(ii) State one likely reason the writer of The Midnight Visitor chose to characterise Ausable as short and fat. [3]
Robert Arthur wrote the character of Ausable in such a way that legitimises his conviction power, to fool the agile and smart Max, as a merit to his wits and expertise. If Ausable were a tall attractive agent, a lot of his ability to handle a grave situation would have been accredited to that, instead of his brain.

(iii) Validate the importance of small, fun learning tasks towards successful careers, in the context of Richard Ebright in The Making of a Scientist. [3]
The path towards success starts with baby steps. Richard Ebright fuelled his curiosity bit by bit. What started as the fun activity of collection and breeding of butterflies, made him curious about the gold spots and the secretion from them. And this later on led him to develop a theory of cell structure and DNA. These small tasks were the reason for his scientific success.

VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. [1 x 6 = 6]
(i) Mijbil and the Tiger, both were looked after by humans. Assume they both meet each other in the zoo and have a conversation about their lifestyle and feelings. [6]
Write this conversation as per your understanding of Mijbil the Otter and A Tiger in the Zoo.
You may begin like this :
Tiger: Thanks for visiting me, though I don’t usually like visitors.
Mijbil: Oh? I would love visitors, I think.
Tiger: Thanks for visiting me, though I don’t usually like visitors.
Mijbil: Oh? I would love visitors, I think.
Tiger: I have been here in captivity behind bars, put up as a show for humans, it is not fun. I wish humans would ‘live and let live’ each other in peaceful coexistence.
Mijbil: I am sorry for your state. But not all humans enjoy other’s misery! My owner cares for me and keeps me safe, I’d dare say, even safer than the wild.
Tiger: But nature did not make me to be someone’s pet. I long for freedom because I belong in the wild, my home. Wouldn’t you wish to roam and run freely?
Mijbil: Oh, but I do already! My owner takes me for walk outside and I play all the time.
Tiger: Yeah, but he keeps you on a leash so that you can stay as his captive. These humans have disturbed the whole balance of nature. If only their intrusion would cease in the wild!
Mijbil: Well, I am happy about my situation, even if it is that of a captive. I don’t have to worry about finding food or shelter. I already coexist with my human peacefully.
(ii) “Not from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind’.
If you had to use the message of the given quote from the Buddha’s sermon (The Sermon at Benares) to help the boy 1 cope with the loss of his ball and what it signifies (The Ball Poem), what would you include in your advice?
Also, evaluate why it might be difficult for him to understand the notion.
Buddha’s sermon had the ultimate truth of life, that is, death is inevitable. The things we love and receive in life have to wither and vanish one day. It is natural to grieve and feel for the loss, but that doesn’t stop the world from moving further. The cycle continues and the loss becomes an experience for life. The poet John Berryman describes the little boy playing with his ball, that he is fondly attached to, which is the personification of comfort and joy for him, it gets drowned and lost in the water.

He is taken aback and feels grief and sorrow. But it would be difficult for the boy to comprehend this cruel nature of life. He can never get back that same ball and must cope and move on from it. He is too young to decipher the meaning of Buddha’s words, but his experience with loss will make him understand it from his point of ’ view. It is easy to be disheartened at this age, but time heals everything.

Question IX.
Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. [1 x 6 = 6]
(i) Fiction writers prefer creating grey characters rather than black and white. Analyse this in detail, with reference to both the characters of The Thief’s Story. [6]
Ruskin Bond has given his main characters an array of qualities, both good and bad in ‘The Thief’s Story’. Both Hari Singh and Anil lie in a grey spectrum, where they have a negative side to their persona, as i well as a redeeming white angle. Hari Singh is a precocious fifteen-year-old boy who lives off thieving. He easily fools his victims and the police, and unapologetically steals. But by the end, we see a change in his heart. For the first time in his life, he feels ashamed of robbing his victim who showed, him love and trust and treated like a human being.

Anil, on the other hand, is admired for his helpful and trusting nature. He is humane to the boy and cares for him going out of his way. But he shows a casual attitude with money, even ignoring Hari Singh’s pilfering which gives him the confidence to steal more. These morally ambiguous characters present a challenge to the readers who cannot predict the actions of the characters, thus making fiction believable.

(ii) ‘Honour among thieves’ is considered a popular code. [6]
Examine A Question of Trust as a story woven around this code.
‘A Question of Trust’ is a witty story about a thief, Horace Danby, being conned by another thief, the lady in red. The code of conduct amongst thieves about honour is an unspoken rule where they don’t i cross each other’s territories, or steal from them. There is a belief that thieves would even help each other out of camaraderie. But the short story depicts the exact opposite.

Horace Danby would carefully and meticulously conduct an annual heist which would sustain him for next twelve months. But the lady in red outsmarted him by making him believe she was a member of the house he had come to rob, made him break open the safe, and took away the jewels herself, putting the blame on Horace, which landed him in prison for the first time in his life.