Explore the The Jazz Age_ Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929 study material pdf and utilize it for learning all the covered concepts as it always helps in improving the conceptual knowledge.
The Jazz Age Redefining the Nation , FIGURE The illustrations for , Scott Fitzgerald Tales ofthe Jazz Age , drawn by John Held , epitomized the carefree flapper era of the 19205 . CHAPTER OUTLINE Prosperity and the Production of Popular Entertainment Transformation and Backlash A New Generation Republican Ascendancy Politics in the 19205 INTRODUCTION Following the hardships of the immediate postwar era , the United States embarked upon one of the most prosperous decades in history . Mass production , especially of the automobile , increased mobility and fostered new industries . Unemployment plummeted as businesses grew to meet this increased demand . Cities continued to grow and , according to the 1920 census , a majority of the population lived in urban areas of hundred or more residents . Jazz music , movies , speakeasies , and new dances dominated the urban evening scene . Recent immigrants from southern and eastern Europe , many of them Catholic , now participated in the political system . This challenged rural Protestant fundamentalism , even as quota laws sought to limit new immigration patterns . The Ku Klux Klan rose to greater power , as they protested not only the changing role Americans but also the growing population of immigrant , Catholic , and Jewish Americans . This mixture of social , political , economic , and cultural change and gave the decade the nickname the
638 24 The Jazz Age the Nation , Roaring Twenties or the Jazz The above illustration Figure , which graced the cover of Scott Fitzgerald Tales of the Jazz Age , embodies the popular view of the as a nonstop party , replete with dancing , music , and illegal drinking . Prosperity and the Production of Popular Entertainment LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end ofthis section , you will be able to Discuss the role of movies in the evolution of American culture Explain the impact of radio on nationalization and homogenization Analyze the ways in which the automobile , especially the Model , transformed American life Henry Ford sells Charles Lindbergh . Model 11 for solo dams Harding Congress enacts Atlantic Ocean with Origins Act , Sumo and landslide quota are popular vote executed in 1920 1924 1927 1923 1925 1928 Teapot Dome John Scopes Herbert scandal rock found guilty of Hoover residency teaching in FIGURE In the , prosperity manifested itself in many forms , most notably in advancements in entertainment and technology that led to new patterns of leisure and consumption . Movies and sports became increasingly popular and buying on credit or carrying the debt allowed for the sale of more consumer goods and put automobiles within reach of average Americans . Advertising became a central institution in this new consumer economy , and commercial radio and magazines turned athletes and actors into national icons . MOVIES The increased prosperity of the gave many Americans more disposable income to spend on entertainment . As the popularity of moving pictures grew in the early part of the decade , movie palaces , capable of seating thousands , sprang up in major cities . A ticket for a double feature and a live show cost cents for a quarter , Americans could escape from their problems and lose themselves in another era or world . People of all ages attended the movies with far more regularity than today , often going more than once per week . By the end of the decade , weekly movie attendance swelled to ninety million people . The silent movies of the early gave rise to the genera