The Western World Daily Readings on Geography Chapter 20 Pacific Realm Cultural Geography II

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CHAPTER 20 Pacific Realm Cultural Geography II Religion and the Lutheran Faith in New Guinea FRANKLIN ISHIDA Created by from Noun Like in many parts ofthe world , Christianity arrived with the colonial powers in what is now New Guinea , though even that presence was late in coming compared to other lands . Humans have inhabited New Guinea Island for about years . Little was known in Europe about the island until the century . It was only in 1884 that Germany colonized the northeastern portion of the island ( called New Guinea ) and Great Britain the southeastern portion ( The western half of the island was occupied by the Netherlands and later this was annexed into Indonesia . And while Australia , on behalf of Great Britain , controlled the eastern half for much ofthe modern era , New Guinea only gained its independence in 1975 . The religious scene followed these colonial markers , with the first German Lutherans establishing themselves at along the east coast of the German Protectorate of New Guinea in 1886 . In the southern half , the London Missionary Society ( Reformed tradition ) arrived in 1889 . These two Protestant streams continued to dominate in these two parts of the county , while the Catholic mission started making inroads in the 18805 . Most German missionaries were allowed to remain when Australia took over the German colony after World War I . In the early Lutheran missionaries were among the first Europeans to move into the highlands . Today , Lutherans make up about 20 ofthe population , United Church ( originating from the London Missionary Society ) Catholics 27 , and Seventh Day 10 . With other smaller denominations in the mix , a 93

94 JOEL QUAM AND SCOTT CAMPBELL large majority of New identify themselves as members of a Christian church ( 96 in the 2000 census ) However , many continue to combine their Christian faith with traditional indigenous beliefs and practices , while in places there are strong remnants of what is called Cargo Cult . The Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Guinea grew out of the work of the Mission Society ( 1886 ) and the Rhenish Mission Society ( 1887 ) both from Germany . During World War II all missionaries left the area , as many mission stations , churches , schools and hospitals were damaged . In spite of this , the indigenous church leaders and local Christians stood firm in the work ofthe church . After the war the Lutheran churches in Australia and North America were asked to help reconstruct the church in New Guinea , working together as the Lutheran Mission New Guinea . In 1956 expatriate missionaries and indigenous church leaders gathered and formed the Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Guinea ( as an indigenous church . The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod established a separate Lutheran Church in the highlands in 1948 . At the time of its founding , bishops were expatriate missionaries from the American Lutheran Church . The first indigenous bishop was elected in 1973 . In 1975 , on the eve of the country independence , the name of the church was changed to Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Guinea ( In 1977 the church was officially declared autonomous and another local Lutheran church organized by the Australian Lutheran Mission joined with the . Since before independence , different churches have operated roughly half of the educational and medical institutions in the country and , to this day , receive government subsidies to provide these services . The operates 170 primary schools and 11 secondary schools , which function on behalf of the government and as public schools . The church also has a teacher training college , which sends teachers throughout the country ) a nursing school , a couple church leadership training colleges , and three theological .

PACIFIC REALM CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY 95 In response to the rugged and often inaccessible landscape of , Lutherans helped start some key transportation networks . In 1934 a Lutheran mission bought a plane and pioneered mission aviation . While . commercial airlines now connect major towns , Mission Aviation Fellowship ( which took over from ' Lutheran Aviation , continues to link many more remote places . Mission groups early on also started Lutheran Shipping as a major carrier of cargo and passengers along the north and northeast coasts . as it was called , ceased operations in 2014 , but Lutheran Shipping Services was established by the to continue key shipping routes . With some 830 different languages in , another challenge is unifying the functions of the church . Like the country at large , Tok ( Pidgin ) and English are the common languages of the church , though local indigenous languages are also widely used for worship and teaching . uh New Guinea . Cartography by Steve . Although there is no state religion , the preamble to the constitution mentions the Christian principles upon which the country is founded . This constitution establishes freedom of religion and religious practice , provided that it does not infringe on the rights of others or of the public interest . Several prime ministers and speakers of parliament have been Lutheran . And with a strong Christian backdrop for the country , the government has pursued programs to increase the partnership between churches and the state , including subsidies to churches and the establishment of church councils to assist in local governance . Germany had few colonies , but one of those colonial pieces was Lutheran church service in New Guinea . part Of the island of New Guinea . The Lutheran Church , one Photo by Franklin . element of this former colonial rule , remains important in contemporary New Guinea . This denomination has evolved into a national Lutheran church run by New themselves . Lutherans there seek to improve and renew society spiritually , but also through modernization of educational and transportation systems . Did You Know ?

Diamond book Guns , Germs , and Steel , the key initial question , phrased by native man Yali , is Why you white men have so much cargo and we New have so little ?

Indeed , Cargo , as mentioned above , promotes superstitious practices that seek to deliver more cargo or advanced Western consumer goods to the country .