Explore the The History of Our Tribe Hominini Textbook Part IV Pleistocene Epoch Chapter 31 Homo antecessor study material pdf and utilize it for learning all the covered concepts as it always helps in improving the conceptual knowledge.
31 . Homo antecessor Homo antecessor ( human I predecessor or pioneer ) Figure Incomplete Homo antecessor Gran , Spain . Homo antecessor by is in the public domain . SITES Gran Dolina and Sima del , Spain PEOPLE , Juan Luis , and de Castro 184 INTRODUCTION Until the recent discovery of fossils dating to over in the Mountains of Spain , the earliest known fossil material from the area was no more than 800 kya . The 800 kya material was assigned the taxonomic designation of Homo , or Pioneer Man , as the first to have ranged into Western Europe . PHYLOGENY Since its discovery , researchers have speculated that Homo was descended from a more derived form of erg that may have crossed the Mediterranean Sea from North Africa during a period of ered sea levels . Now that the geological clock has been pushed back 300 kya , it is thought that they may have traveled through the Levant ( the Eastern Mediterranean region ) What is not known is whether the evolutionary event took place in Europe or North Africa . As far as descendant species , Homo is one contender for the ancestor of Homo that in turn is thought to have given rise to and modern humans . DISCOVERY AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE The species was discovered by , gran Luis , and de Castro . The first site to yield fossil material was the Gran Dolina site ( see Figure ) in the mountain range in Spain . Dated to 900 kya , the site has yielded both and material . Eighty from six individuals were recovered . It is of interest that much of the fossil material is immature and exhibits cut marks that may indicate that they were victims of cannibalism . The earliest site is Sima del ( Pit of the Elephant ) Dated to , only a handful of fossils have been recovered from the site . In addition to other sites in Spain , tools and footprints have been found in , England and , Italy ( also known as Homo , some consider it more closely related to ) Figure Grim Dolina site . Gran Dolina 2012 Sierra do Am by Mata is licensed under . PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The 800 kya material was more derived than earlier erectus forms , possessing a larger brain ( and a more modern skull and face . They had low foreheads and possessed an occipital bun 31 . Homo antecessor 185
Figure Home antecessor by Taylor . a bun or chignon is the hairstyle wherein one winds long hair into a doughnut shape on the top or back of the head ) as did ( see features in Figure ) It has been suggested that the purpose of that posterior protrusion is to balance the weight of the anterior portion of the skull and face . Based upon cranial anatomy , they are thought to have been capable of detecting the same range of sounds as modern humans and were possibly . They were almost as tall as modern humans at ( with males weighing ( 90 ) 186 The History of Our Tribe
Figure Homo antecessor moves to Spain by Taylor . Long , flat , low Receding Circular orbits forehead bun torus Large nasal cavity fossa Large gap behind third Little or no chin ( mental molar . eminence ) Figure cranial characteristics . Neanderthal cranial by Jason Potter is licensed under . Review of Derived Characteristics Increased . 31 . Homo antecessor 187
Tall like Boy . 188 The History of Our Tribe