Human Geography Chapter 8 Power, Politices, & Place

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Human Geography Chapter 8 Power, Politices, & Place PDF Download

. Power , Politics , Place Power Politics One common misconception people have about geography is that its all about states and capitals . certainly do care about place , but memorizing a list of states and capitals is not at all what do , nor how geography is taught , particularly in a world where this information is much more readily accessible than times past due to technology . Political geography is a of human geography that examines how politics influences place and how place and its distinctiveness shapes the kind of politics that operate there . always have an eye open towards noticing and evaluating the spatial distribution of phenomenon and possible resulting unevenness . In the case of political geography , this translates to examining how political structures are distributed across the world , understanding the context of why political structures operate where they do , and the impact this has on peoples everyday lives and the global world order , or how power is distributed internationally . Politics is first and foremost about power . Check out the video below to learn about two key types of power hard power , which operates by force and coercion and soft power , which operates by fostering consent and attraction . Power , Politics , Place 83

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Politics can be understood in three senses High Politics essential to state survival ( examples elections , war and peace , diplomacy ) Low Politics to state survival mundane about welfare of the state ( examples department of education , environmental protection agency ) politics with a lower case challenging existing structures of power ( examples Black Lives Matter movement , gun rights advocacy groups ) Political geography examines how all three aspects of politics intersect in place and impact peoples livelihoods . 84 Power , Politics , Place

States , Nations , Borders DEEPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING Learn more about states , nations , sovereignty , state shape , types of governance , and borders by reading this ( you may stop reading once you reach the Theories of a State section ) chapter Exercise of ' Structures examine the spatial distribution of phenomena , including governance structures . Use the link below to complete the following tasks home ?

What spatial patterns do you notice in terms of how and where government types are distributed ?

What factors do you know of that may help explain these patterns ?

Choose government types to analyze further and do a quick web search to learn what exactly each government type means and compare and contrast the types . Power , Politics , Place 85 Challenges to State Sovereignty DEEPEN YOUR UNDERSTANDING Learn more about challenges to state sovereignty including separatism often driven by differences in identity here ( you may stop reading once you reach the Terrorism section ) chapter Border disputes and conflicts also pose challenges to state sovereignty . Check out the video about Kashmir below to learn more . PAKISTAN in ATLAS A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text . You can view it online here ) eat ?

86 Power , Politics , Place Exercise Disputes Visit this link and click on countries and yellow dots along borders to learn more about major ongoing border disputes Sometimes conflict within states , often rooted in ( at least perceived ) cultural differences , can lead to a humanitarian crisis involving internally displaced persons or refugees , where people are either uprooted from their home and move internally within a country , or cross borders to gain protection . Check out the video below to hear from the voice of a refugee from to , as part of the crisis . Power , Politics , Place 87

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Sovereignty in Maritime Spaces The world is about 70 water and you may have wondered at some point who owns the oceans ?

Its a fair question , but not an entirely easy one to answer . which stands for the United Nations ( an international organization ) Convention for the Law of the Sea , is the current governing agreement by which the majority of countries in theory abide . Below is a chart explaining how sovereignty extends from a territory land borders into the sea . Of special note are the powers afforded to countries within territorial sea , which include air , surface , and subsurface rights , and exclusive economic zones ( which include surface and subsurface rights . 88 Power , Politics , Place

I . Exclusive Economic Zone Lam ' I I I II I I , I . Zone I ' Internal I I I I I High I ' I . IZ ( 17 nautical I Baseline I I ( A I I The videos below profile two hotspot maritime battlegrounds the Arctic , where waterways are opening up because of the retreat of sea ice due to climate change , and the South China Sea , where countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia are vying for rights and islands are being constructed to help assert sovereignty . Note how does and does not guide the actions of countries in these areas . Power , Politics , Place 89

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90 Power , Politics , Place SOUTH CHINA SEA . A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text . You can view it online here ?

Closer to Home Electoral Geography A substantial branch of political geography is devoted to electoral geography , which examines how geography influences political representation and even prescribe best practices to ensure fairness . If you ve ever heard of , or wonder why the census becomes a political issue every ten years , you already know a thing or two about electoral geography . Check out the video below for a crash course on how geometry and geography intersect with politics , and can affect the weight of your vote in state and national elections . Power , Politics , Place 91

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Questions After working through this chapter , you should have something to say in response to each of these questions What is the difference between a state and a nation ?

What is the function of borders ?

What factors ( natural , etc ) the location , character , and impact of borders ?

92 Power , Politics , Place What are the effects of border disputes ( and for whom ) How does the shape of a state affect its internal operations and international actions ?

How does sovereignty operate in marine spaces ?

How have events like the Cold War and European and American colonialism shaped the distribution of government types and international diplomatic relations globally ?

On what grounds are countries making claims in the Arctic ?

Power , Politics , Place 93