Explore the A List of Character Traits study material pdf and utilize it for learning all the covered concepts as it always helps in improving the conceptual knowledge.
A List of Character Traits active adventurous affectionate afraid ambitious ' annoyed anxious argumentative astonished attentive babyish bewildered bored bossy brave brilliant busy calm capable careful cautious charismatic charming cheerful childish clever clumsy compassionate competitive conceited concerned confident confused conscientious considerate cooperative courageous cowardly critical cross cruel curious dangerous dependable determined discouraged doubtful eager easygoing efficient embarrassed energetic enthusiastic exciting fair fidgety fierce frustrated funny generous gentle glamorous gloomy greedy grouchy happy hateful helpful hopeful humorous ignorant imaginative immature impatient impulsive inactive independent
insistent intelligent jealous jovial lazy logical lonely loving loyal lucky mature mean meticulous moody mysterious nervous noisy obedient obnoxious observant optimistic peaceful persistent pessimistic picky pleasant polite popular precise proud puzzled quick quiet reliable respectful responsible restless rowdy rude sarcastic satisfied scared secretive selfish sensitive silly sincere skillful sly smart sneaky snobbish sociable stingy strange strict stubborn studious sweet tactful talented talkative tasteful tenacious terrified thankful thoughtful thoughtless thrifty timid tolerant touchy trusting trustworthy uncontrolled unfriendly unselfish upset useful valiant versatile vivacious vulgar weak wise witty worried