A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

A Letter to God Class 10 Questions and Answers

Oral comprehension check :

Question 1.
Was Lencho surprised to find a letter with money in it?
क्या लैंचो पत्र में पैसे पाकर हैरान हुआ?
Lencho had so much faith and confidence in God that he showed not even the slightest surprise when he saw money in the letter.

Question 2.
What made him angry?
उसे किस बात ने गुस्सा दिलाया?
When Lencho found only 70 pesos and not 100, the amount he had asked for, he got angry. He thought God could neither deny nor make a mistake. It must be the post office employees who had cheated him. That is why he wrote in the second letter to God to send him the remaining money but not by post as the post office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’.

Question 3.
Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
लैंचो की आस्था किसमें व क्या थी? उसने क्या किया?
He had full faith in the help of God whose eyes see even what is deep in one’s conscience. So, he wrote a letter to God asking him to send 100 pesos to him. He needed this money to sow the crop and live until the next crop. After writing the letter, he went to the town and himself posted it.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 4.
Who read the letter ?
पत्र किसने पढ़ा?
The postmaster read the letter.

Question 5.
What did the postmaster do then ?
पोस्ट मास्टर ने तब क्या किया?
He asked for money from his employees. He himself gave a part of his salary. Many of his friends also contributed in this act of charity. But he could collect only 70 pesos. He put them in an envelope addressed to Lencho. It had only a single word as signature: God.

Question 6.
What did Lencho hope for?
लैंचो को किसकी आशा थी?
He hoped to get a good harvest if only it had a downpour or at least a shower.

Question 7.
Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins”?
लैंचो ने क्यों कहा कि वर्षा की बूंदें ‘नये सिक्के हैं?
He said so because they were the size of ten and five cents. The big drops meant more rain and more money. The smaller drops meant a little less crop and less money.

Question 8.
How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s field?
वर्षा कैसे बदली? लैंचो के खेत का क्या हुआ?
It changed into a hailstorm. Lencho’s erop was completely ruined. A plague of locusts would have left more than that.

Question 9.
What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped?
जब उल्कापात समाप्त हुआ तो लैंचो की क्या भावनायें थीं?
He was sad rather frustrated. All his labour had gone waste.

Textbook Questions :

Thinking about the Text :

Question 1.
Who does Lencho have complete faith in? What sentences in the story tell you this?
लैंचो की पूर्ण आस्था किसमें है? कहानी में कौन से वाक्य यह बताते हैं ?
Lencho had full faith in the help of God. The following sentences in the story tell us about it. Lencho thought only of his one hope: The help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience.”

Again, ‘Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money in the envelope); such was his confidence-but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor he could have denied Lencho what he had requested.’

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 2.
Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God?
पोस्टमास्टर लैंचो को पैसे क्यों भेजता है ? वह पत्र पर ‘भगवान’ हस्ताक्षर क्यों करता है?
The postmaster was impressed by Lencho’s faith in God. In order not to shake Lencho’s faith in God he decided to reply the letter. But when he read the letter, he realised that he needed more than pen and ink. In the letter, Lencho had requested God to send him 100 pesos.

He needed the money earnestly to sow the crop that had been completely ruined by the hailstorm and also to feed his family until the next crop. The postmaster stuck to his resolution to help and reply Lencho’s letter. So, he collected money from his colleagues and friends as an act of charity.

He himself tributed a part of his salary but could collect only 70 pesos and not 100. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only a single word as a signature : God, implying that none else but God was sending him the money.

Question 3.
Did Lencho try to find out who had sent money to him? Why/why not?
क्या लैंचो ने यह पता लगाने की कोशिश की कि उसे पैसे किसने भेजे? क्यों/क्यों नहीं?
No, I don’t think he ever tried to find out who had sent him the money. He had full confidence and faith in God. He thought none else but God himself must have sent him the money.

Question 4.
Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation? (Remember that the irony of a situation is an unexpected aspect of it. An ironic situation is strange or amusing because it is the opposite of what is expected.)
लैंचो क्या सोचता है किसने उसके बाकी के पैसे ले लिए? स्थिति में क्या व्यंग है?
Lencho thought that the post office employees had cheated him by taking out 30 pesos from the envelope for “God could not have made a mistake nor he could have denied him what he had requested.’

The kind hearted post office employees who contributed a part of their hard earned money to help Lencho so that his faith in God is not shaken are blamed by him to have cheated him. Isn’t it irony of situation, the persons who should have been praised for their kindness and charity are being called ‘a bunch of crooks”?

Question 5.
Are there people like Lencho in the real world? What kind of a person would you say he is? You may select appropriate words from the box to answer the question. greedy naive stupid ungrateful selfish comical unquestioning
क्या लैंचो जैसे व्यक्ति वास्तविक संसार में होते हैं ? आप उसे किस तरह का व्यक्ति कहेंगे? इस प्रश्न के उत्तर के लिए बॉक्स में से शब्द चुन सकते हैं।
I think there are rare chances of coming across such a person as Lencho is, in this real world. Though there could be many persons who have blind faith in God and rely on his help. His invisible hands in the form of benevolent benefactors-his representatives, help his devotees when they are in need.

But one cannot think of a person like Lencho who started correspondence with God. I would consider Lencho to be too naive and ignorant to be believed. He is not stupid for he knows how to read and write and what his requirements are. He is not comic but naive for he does not know one cannot do correspondence with God through post office.

One can only pray to God for help. He is neither greedy nor selfish for he asks for only 100 pesos, just sufficient to sow his field and feed his family till the next crop. This, of course, is his paternal duty. He seems to be ungrateful for he doesn’t thank the postoffice employees for helping him. But the fact is, he never knows that they have helped him. His unquestioning faith in God makes him believe that God and no one else has sent him the money he had asked for.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 6.
There are two kinds of conflict in the story : between humans and nature, and between humans themselves. How are these conflicts illustrated?
कहानी में दो तरह के विरोध हैं-मानव और प्रकृति के मध्य तथा मानवों का आपस में । यह विरोध कैसे चित्रित किए गये हैं ?
The writer has beautifully illustrated the two conflicts in the story. The first conflict is between humans and nature. Lencho and his sons have worked very hard to grow the crop. They are expecting a good harvest but nature’s cruel hands in the form of hailstorm ruin their crop completely. All their labour goes waste.

The second conflict is between the humans themselves. The postmaster, his friend and his employees contribute a part of their hard earned money to help Lencho who is unaware of their act of charity and blames them for cheating him. Instead of thanking them for their kindness and generosity, he blames them for cheating him and calls them ‘a bunch of crooks’.

Thinking about Language

Relative Clauses :

Task: Join the sentences below using who, whom, whose, which, as suggested.

  1. I often go to Mumbai. Mumbai is the commercial capital of India. (which)
  2. My mother is going to host a TV show on cooking. She cooks very well. (who)
  3. These sportspersons are going to meet the President. Their performance has been excellent. (whose)
  4. Lencho prayed to God. His eyes see into our minds. (whose)
  5. This man cheated me. I trusted him. (whom)


  1. I often go to Mumbai which is the commercial capital of India.
  2. My mother, who cooks very well, is going to host a TV show on cooking.
  3. These sportsmen, whose performance has been excellent, are going to meet the president.
  4. Lencho prayed to God, whose eyes see into our mind.
  5. This man, whom I trusted, cheated me.

Sometimes, the relative pronoun in a relative clause remains ‘hidden’. For example, look at the first sentence of the story:

(a) The house-the only one in the entire valleysat on the crest of a low hill. We can rewrite this sentence as:

(b) The house which was the only one in the entire valley-sat on the crest of a low hill.

In (a), the relative pronoun ‘which’ and the verb ‘was’ are not present.
Find sentences in the story with negative words, which express these ideas emphatically,

1. The trees lost all their leaves.
Not a leaf remained on the trees.
2. The letter was addressed to God himself.
It was nothing less than a letter to God.
3. The postman saw this address for the first time
in his career. Never in his career as a postman had he known that address.

Metaphors : In pairs, find metaphors from the story to complete the table below. Try to say what qualities are being compared. One has been done for you.

Object Metaphor Quality or feature compared
Cloud Huge mountains of clouds The mass or ‘hugeness of mountains
Raindrops New coins Size, shape and monetary value
Hailstones Frozen pearls Round, hard and shining as pearls
Locusts A plague of locusts An epidemic (a disease) that spreads very rapidly and leaves many people dead
Lencho An ox of a man Hard working and strong as an ox.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Additional Questions

Extract Based Questions

Answer the questions that follow the extracts in 30-40 words:

1. The house – the only one in-the entire valley- sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest.

The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho-who knew his fields intimately-had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-east.

Question i.
Whose house was it and what was unique about its location?
It was Lencho, the farmer’s house. It was located on the crest of a low hill. From that height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn down below.

Question ii.
Who was Lencho and why was he looking at the sky?
Lencho was a poor farmer. He had sown corn in his field for that season. Since it was monsoon time, Lencho was expecting rain, which would give a good harvest of his ripe corn.

2. With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The boys, exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.

Question i.
Who is the ‘he’ referred to here? What gave him satisfaction?
The ‘he’ here refers to Lencho, a poor farmer. He had sown corn for that season. Before monsoon, his field was full of ripe corn with flowers promising a good harvest. So, when it started raining, the little droplets covered his field and that gave him a satisfaction.

Question ii.
How was the situation before and after the hailstorm?
Before the hailstorm, his field was full of ripe corn with flowers promising a good harvest for the year. When it started raining, the droplets covered the field and Lencho was satisfied. But suddenly, a heavy storm blew and hailstones started falling down, and his field became white as if covered with salt.

3. The field was white, as if covered with salt. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this.”

Question i.
Why was Lencho feeling sad?
Lencho was a poor farmer. That year he had sown corn in his field. Before monsoon, his field was full of ripe corn with flowers promising a good harvest. The rains did arrive but it turned into a hailstorm. His entire corn field turned white as if covered with salt. This made Lencho feel sad.

Question ii.
Describe the extent of damage brought by the storm.
When it started raining, every droplet looked like a new silver coin. But soon, there was a strong wind along with rain and very large hailstones began to fall. His entire field became white as if covered with salt. Thus his corn crops got destroyed.

4. All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope : the help of God, whose eyes as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write. The following sunday, at day break, he began to write a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail.

Question i.
Who and why did Lencho write a letter?
Lencho, the poor farmer, wrote a letter to God. He had sown corn in his field that year. When his corns were ripe with flowers giving hope for a good harvest, there was a severe hailstorm. With his crops destroyed, Lencho needed money to run his family. He believed that God alone could help him in that situation.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question ii.
What sort of a person was Lencho, as revealed in this passage?
Lencho was an ‘ox of a man’, meaning, he was a hard working person. He worked like an animal in the fields. In spite of being a farmer, he had learned to read and write. Lencho also had a deep faith in god. He believed that god sees whatever is deep in one’s conscience.

5. The postmaster-a fat, amiable fellow-also broke out laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and tapping the letter on his desk, commented, “What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter

Question i.
How did the postmaster react on seeing the letter? Why?
The postmaster, a friendly man, at first laughed at Lencho’s letter addressed to God. But then he turned serious and appreciated the deep faith of Lencho which had made him write to god and seek His financial help when his crops got destroyed that year.

Question ii.
Whose letter was it? What were the contents of the letter?
The letter was written by Lencho to God. After his corn crops got destroyed in the hailstorm, Lencho had nothing to run his family. So he wrote a letter to God requesting him to send a hundred pesos to buy seeds and also to run his family till his next harvest.

6. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidencebut he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.

Question i.
Why was Lencho not surprised?
Lencho was not surprised at receiving the money from god. That much was his confidence that God would help him when in need.

Question ii.
Why did Lencho become angry? Was it justified?
Lencho became angry when he counted the money supposed to be sent to him by God. That was because there were only seventy pesos, and not hundred that he had requested God to send him. Yes, his angry was justified because it tells us how much confident he was that God would help him in need.

7. But he stuck to his resolution : he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave a part of his salary, and several of his friends were obliged to give something for an act of charity’. It was impossible for him to gather together the hundred pesos, so he was able to send the farmer only a little more than half. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only a single word as a signature : God

Question i.
Who is the passage about? What was the ‘act of charity’ that he did?
The passage is about the postmaster. Reading Lencho’s letter addressed to God, the postmaster decided to help him, as an appreciation of his deep faith in God. So, as an act of charity, he gave a part of his salary, along with that of many of his friends who had obliged to give. He sent the money he collected to Lencho with a letter signed as ‘God’.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question ii.
How much did the postmaster collect, and by what means?
The postmaster managed to collect a little more than half of what Lencho had requested God. Besides giving a part of his salary, he managed to collect some money from his friends too who had obliged to give. In total, he collected seventy pesos.

8. It said: “God : Of the money that I asked for only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho”

Question i.
What is the ‘it’ refers to here? Why was it written?
It refers to the letter that Lencho wrote to God after counting the money he received. There were just seventy pesos instead of hundred pesos that he had requested God to send him. So, Lencho doubted that the staff at the post office had stolen the rest of the money. He wrote a letter to God to explain this and also to send the rest of the money.

Question ii.
What does the letter tell us about Lencho?
On counting the money he received from ‘God’ and finding only seventy pesos instead of hundred, Lencho wrote back to God. In that he had pointed out how his money had been stolen by the post office staff. Lencho’s letter to God shows his immense faith in God, that He would never make mistake, nor would He deny what was due for Lencho.

Short Answer type Questions

Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words.

Question 1.
Lencho calls the raindrops ‘new coins’. Why does he call them so ?
Lencho hoped to get good crops because of rain drops, He thought he would earn good money so he called them new coins. But rain drops soon turned into hailstones which destroyed all his crops and ruined his hopes.

Question 2.
What impression do you form of the postmaster after reading the story ‘A Letter to God’?
The postmaster was a kind, generous, helpful, amiable and God-fearing man. He was generous, as he helped Lencho with 70 pesos. He also wrote a reply for Lencho’s letter in order to maintain his faith in God.

Question 3.
Why was Lencho angry? What did he do ?
Lencho had deep faith in God and hence wrote a letter to God asking for 100 pesos. But when he received 70 pesos instead of 100, he was angry. He wrote another letter to God asking him to send the rest of the money, but not through the postoffice as they were a bunch of crooks’

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 4.
What were Lencho’s feelings when he found the letter with money in it ? What did he do after opening the letter ?
Lencho was not at all surprised to see the money in the letter as he was fully confident about it. He knew that God will send money for him. On opening the letter he found seventy pesos instead of hundred. So, he wrote another letter to God to send rest of the amount but now not through mail as the post office employees were crooks.

Question 5.
Whom did Lencho write a letter? What did he ask for?
When Lencho’s annual crop was completely destroyed due to heavy rains and hailstorm and there was no one to help him during the crisis. At that time Lencho wrote a letter to God. As they were a bunch of crooks. This shows that Lencho had full faith in God and was confident that his desire would be fulfilled. It was Lencho’s innocent optimism that eventually let to his.

Question 6.
How far would you agree that one’s positivity can bring in a spark of brightness even in adverse circumstances ?
It is absolutely true that optimism can bring about a spark of brightness even in adverse situations. It was Lencho’s innocent optimism that eventually led to his getting seventy pesos. In fact, it was his positivity despite the hailstorm that he even wrote a letter to God in the first place. His hope finally triumphed.

Question 7.
Was Lencho surprised to find a letter with money in it ? Why/Why not?
Lencho was not at all surprised to receive the envelope with the money in it because he had utter faith in God. His unshakeable faith gave him firm confidence.

Question 8.
How do you know that Lencho was a hardworking farmer ?
Lencho was an ox of a man. He worked hard to grow a good crop. The only thing the crop needed was a downpour. He had left no stone his part to grow a good crop. He was a hardworking farmer.

Question 9.
What was the ‘single hope Lencho and his family had ? What does it show ?
Their only hope was – ‘help from God’ whose eyes see everything even what is deep in one’s conscience. He would not let his children go hungry. Moreover, people say that no one dies of hunger. This shows Lencho’s deep faith in God.

Question 10.
Lencho was happy when the rain started. What made him sad later on? Or How did rain affect Lencho’s life?
When the rain started Lencho was very happy because it promised good crop and good money. But his happiness was short lived. The rain drops turned into hailstones. His crops were totally ruined. He became sad. He was helpless about his future.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 11.
Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm. He had nothing to feed himself and his family. He had nobody to help but he had faith in God. So he wrote a letter to God to help him and send him 100 pesos to sow his fields and live till the next harvest.

Question 12.
How did the Postmaster help Lencho?
What did the Postmaster do so as not to shake Lencho’s faith in God ?
Postmaster decided to give reply to Lencho’s letter. He asked his colleagues and friends to contribute some money as an act of charity. He himself contributed some. He could collect only 70 pesos. He put the money in an envelope signed ‘God’ on a piece of paper and mailed it to Lencho.

Question 13.
What was Lencho’s reaction on receiving the letter?
What did Lencho write in his second letter to God?
Lencho was angry when he received the letter. How did he express his anger ?
When Lencho received only 70 pesos and not 100, the amount he had asked for, he became angry. He thought the post office employees had cheated him so he wrote another letter to God to send him the remaining money but not by post as post office employees were ‘A bunch of crooks’.

Question 14.
What made Lencho call the Post Office employees ‘a bunch of crooks’?
Why did Lencho curse the employees of the post office ?
Lencho had written God to send him a hundred pesos to sow the seeds again and live until the next harvest but he received only seventy pesos. He thought the post office employees had cheated him for God could not have made a mistake nor denied him what he had requested. So, he called the post office employees ‘A bunch of crooks’.

Question 15.
Explain the qualities of the post office employees ?
The post office employees were quite helpful and kind. Lencho sent a letter to God asking for money to make up for the loss caused by the torrential rains to his crops. When the post office employees found it they decided to help him by collecting money from their staff.

Even the head postmaster contributed to the fund by giving a part of his salary. They exhibited sympathetic and compassionate behaviour towards the poor farmer.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 16.
Why would you not agree with Lencho calling them a bunch of crooks’ ?
Lencho was not the least justified in addressing the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’. His crops were badly damaged by heavy rains. He asked for the compensation from God and posted a letter at the post office. When the letter was received at the post office, the staff understood his plight and came forward for his help by contributing money from their side.

Long Answer type Questions

Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words :

Question 1.
Lencho had faith in God but lacked faith in humanity. Elaborate with reference to ‘A Letter to God’.
When Lencho’s crops got ruined in the hail storm, he had no hope left but in God. So, he wrote to God requesting for a hundred pesos to sow his field again and to live until the crops came again. Seeing his letter addressed to ‘God’, the kindhearted post master wanted to appreciate his faith in God.

He collected some money from his staff and added his own money. Together, he had seventy pesos which he put into an envelope and sent it to Lencho, signing it as God. When Lencho received the money, he was not at all surprised or amazed. So deep was his faith in God. Counting the money, he found it less than what he had asked for.

So, he wrote back to God requesting Him to send the remaining thirty pesos, but this time, through mail, as the post office employees were a bunch of crooks’. Thus Lencho, exhibited his lack of faith in humanity. He did not realize the irony that they were his real helpers, not ‘crooks’ as he thought them to be.

Question 2.
“Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence – but he became angry when he counted the money.”
Lencho received the money and a letter from God but still he was not happy. Was it not in his attitude to be happy with what he achieved ? Did he not know the pleasure of being grateful to others ? Reflecting on the values required to lead a happy life, write an explanation in about 100-150 words.
Lencho had full faith in God and hence, he had written a letter to God asking for 100 pesos. But when he received the money and a letter from God, he was not happy. It was not his attitude to be happy with what he had received, nor was he grateful to God. He was angry because he had received 70 pesos instead of 100.

He did not doubt God for it. He wrote another letter to God asking him to send rest of the money but not through the post office as he thought they were a bunch of crooks. This shows that Lencho had full faith in God and was confident that his desire would be fulfilled. It was Lencho’s innocent optimism that eventually led to his getting seventy pesos. Optimism and faith can lead to happy life.

Question 3.
The postmaster represents such people who still believe in helping others. Mention those values of the postmaster which you would like to emulate in yourself. Write in 100-150 words.
In the lesson ‘A Letter to God’, what moral values does the postmaster display in his behaviour ?
The postmaster was a kind, generous, helpful, amiable and god-fearing man. He received a letter from Lencho which was written to God asking for 100 pesos so that he could sow his fields again. The postman felt sympathetic towards Lencho. He decided to help Lencho. He gave up a part of his salary and asked all other employees to help.

Even friends were made to contribute for a cause of charity and he managed to collect 70 pesos. He sent the money to Lencho along with a reply. He did so in order to preserve the man’s faith in God. This shows the postmaster was a nice man at heart.

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Question 4.
‘If you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year.’ Lencho had faith in God but he didn’t manage to solve the problem by himself. Did he lack the courage to resolve his matter himself? What values did he lack? Explain it in 100-150 words.
Lencho was a hardworking farmer. He was completely dependent upon the crops of his fields for feeding his family. His annual crop was completely destroyed due to heavy rains and hailstorm. In the entire village, there was no one to help him during the times of financial crisis.

He had firm belief in God and hence he wrote a letter requesting Him to send 100 pesos so that he could sow his fields again till the next crop.

This act did not prove that he lacked courage to resolve his problem, but shows that he did not have any option left for himself. He had a firm belief in God. He was an ox of a man but lacked money to stand again.

Question 5.
‘But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God.’ Give the character-sketch of Lencho.
“I wish I had the faith of the man.” Describe Lencho’s character in the light of the above statement.
Lencho was a hardworking farmer. He laboured like an ox. He had good knowledge of farming and knew his crop needed a downpour to give him good yield. Lencho had great faith in God. He knew how to read and write. He wrote a letter to God for help when his crops were totally ruined by hailstones.

He was a simple and innocent farmer. He could not reason out things. He blamed the post office employees for cheating him of 30 pesos and called them ‘A bunch of crooks’. But Lencho was a caring head of a family. He got sad and worried that his family would have to go hungry.

Before you Read :

They’say faith can move mountains. But what should we put our faith in? This is the question this story delicately poses.

Lencho is a farmer who writes a letter to God when his crops are ruined, asking for a hundred pesos. Does Lencho’s letter reach God? Does God send him the money? Think of your own answers to these questions, and guess how the story continues, before you begin to read it.

लोग कहते हैं कि आस्था पर्वत हिला सकती है। परन्तु हमें किसमें आस्था रखनी चाहिए? यह प्रश्न है जिसे यह कहानी बड़ी कोमलता से वर्णन करती है।

लैंचो एक किसान है जो अपनी फसल नष्ट होने पर भगवान को 100 पैसोज भेजने के लिए एक पत्र लिखता है। क्या लैंचो का पत्र भगवान तक पहुंचेगा? क्या भगवान उसे पैसे भेजेंगे? इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर सोचो और पढ़ने से पहले अनुमान लगाओ कि कहानी कैसे आगे बढ़ेगी।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Complete Text with Hindi Translation :

Text (Page 3) : The house-the only one in the entire valley-sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height, one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest.


  • entire (एन्टायर) – whole (पूरा)
  • crest (ब्रेस्ट) – top of mountain (पहाड़ की चोटी)
  • dotted (डॉटिड) – marked with dots (बिन्दुओं से अंकित)
  • harvest (हारवेस्ट) – ripe crop (काटने योग्य पकी फसल)

अनुवाद :

घर-पूरी घाटी में अकेला घर एक नीची पहाड़ी की चोटी पर बना था। इस ऊँचाई से नदी तथा पकी फसल के खेत जिसमें जहाँतहाँ बिन्दुओं की तरह फूल उगे थे, देखा जा सकता था। यह अच्छी फसल की आशा प्रदान करते थे।

Text (Page 3): The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho-who knew his fields intimatelyhad done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-east.


  • downpour (डाउनपोर) – heavy rain (भारी वर्षा)
  • intimately (इन्टीमेटली) – closely (समीप से, अच्छी तरह से)
  • shower (शावर) – light rain (बौछार)

अनुवाद : पृथ्वी को केवल तेज़ वर्षा की आवश्यकता थी। नहीं तो कम से कम एक बौछार की। प्रातः लैंचो ने जो अपने खेतों से पूरी तरह से परिचित था, उत्तर-पूर्व की ओर आकाश देखने के सिवाय कुछ नहीं किया था।

Text (Page 3) : “Now we’re really going to get some water, woman.” The woman, who was preparing supper replied, “Yes, God willing.”

Vocabulary :

  • supper (40) light last meal of the day (रात का हल्का खाना)।

अनुवाद : “अब हम वास्तव में कुछ पानी प्राप्त करेंगे, प्रिय।” स्त्री ने, जो रात का खाना बना रही थी, उत्तर दिया, “हाँ, यदि भगवान ने चाहा तो”।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Text (Pages 3-4) : The older boys were working in the field, while the smaller ones were playing near the house. Until the woman called to them all, “Come for dinner…” It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to fall.

In the north-east, huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed. These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky they are new coins. The big drops are ten-cent pieces and the little ones are fives…”

Vocabulary :

  • predicted (प्रेडिक्टेड) – forecast (भविष्यवाणी)
  • approaching (एप्रोचिंग) – coming (आते हुए)
  • huge (ह्यू ज) – very large (विशाल)
  • exclaimed (एक्सक्लेम्ड) – said in surprise (विस्मय से बोला)
  • coins (कॉइन्स) – metal money (सिक्के)

अनुवाद : बड़े लड़के खेत में काम कर रहे थे और छोटे घर के निकट खेल रहे थे। जब तक स्त्री ने उन्हें बुलाकर नहीं कहा, “भोजन के लिए आओ” भोजन के दौरान जैसे कि लैंचो ने पूर्व अनुमान लगाया था, वर्षा की बड़ी-बड़ी बूंदें गिरने लगीं। उत्तर-पूर्व में बड़े-बड़े बादलों के पर्वत आते देखे जा सकते थे।

हवा ताजी व मधुर थी। वह आदमी किसी और कारण की अपेक्षा अपने शरीर पर वर्षा का आनन्द अनुभव करने के लिए बाहर गया। जब वह अन्दर आया तो प्रसन्नता से बोला, “ये आकाश से गिरती पानी की बूंदें नहीं हैं ये तो नए सिक्के हैं। बड़ी बूंदें दस सैन्ट के सिक्के हैं तथा छोटी पाँच सैन्ट के……”

Text (Page 4) : With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The boys, exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.

Vocabulary :

  • expression (एक्सप्रेशन) – act of representing one’s feelings (अभिव्यक्ति)
  • draped (ड्रेप्ड) – covered (ढक गया)
  • resembles (रिसेम्बल्स) – to have similarity with (सदृश्य होना)
  • hailstones (हेलस्टोन्स) – frozen drops of rainwater (ओले)
  • exposing (एक्सपोजिंग) – to lay open and unprotected (खोलना वस्त्रहीन करना)।

अनुवाद : सन्तुष्ट अभिव्यक्ति से उसने फूलों वाले पके अनाज के खेत को वर्षा की चादर में लिपटे देखा। परन्तु अचानक तेज़ हवा चलने लगी तथा वर्षा के साथ बहुत बड़े ओले गिरने लगे। ये वास्तव में नए चाँदी के सिक्कों जैसे थे। लड़के वर्षा में जाकर इन जमे हुए मोतियों (ओलों) को इकट्ठा करने बाहर भागे।

Text (Page 4) : “It’s really getting bad now,” exclaimed the man, “I hope it passes quickly,” It did not pass quickly. For an hour the hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the corn field, on the whole valley. The field was white as if covered with salt. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed.


  • remained (रिमेन्ड) – was left (बचा)
  • destroyed (डिस्ट्रोयड) – ruined (नष्ट हो गया)

अनुवाद : आदमी ने चिन्ता से कहा, “अब वास्तव में खराब मौसम हो रहा है। आशा करता हूँ कि यह शीघ्र ही समाप्त हो जाए।” वह शीघ्र समाप्त नहीं हुआ। एक घंटे तक घर पर, उद्यान में, पहाड़ी पर, अनाज के खेत में, सारी घाटी में ओलावृष्टि होती रही। खेत ऐसा सफेद था, जैसे नमक से ढका हो। वृक्षों पर एक भी पत्ता न बचा । अनाज पूरी तरह नष्ट हो गया था।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Text (Pages 4-5): The flowers were gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had passed, he stood in the middle of the field and said to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail has left nothing. This year we will have no corn.”

Vocabulary :

  • plague (प्लेग) – the name of a disease/epidemic (एक बीमारी/महामारी का नाम)
  • locusts (लोकस्ट) – a migratory winged insect (टिड्डी )
  • corn (कॉर्न) – grains (अनाज)

अनुवाद : पौधों से फूल गायब हो गए थे। लैंचो की आत्मा उदासी से भर गई थी। जब आँधी गुज़र गई, वह खेत में खड़ा था। उसने अपने पुत्रों से कहा, “टिड्डी दल का उपद्रव भी इससे अधिक छोड़ जाता। इस वर्ष हमारे पास कोई अनाज नहीं होगा।”

Text (Page 5) : That night was a sorrowful one. “All our work for nothing.” “There’s no one who can help us.” “We’ll all go hungry this year.”


  • sorrowful (सॉरोफुल) – full of sorrow (उदासी भरी)।

अनुवाद : वह रात बहुत उदासी भरी थी। “हमारी सारी मेहनत व्यर्थ गई।” “कोई हमारी सहायता नहीं कर सकता।” “इस वर्ष हम सभी भूखे रहेंगे।”

Text (Page 5): But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope : help from God.

“Don’t be so upset, even though it seems a total loss.” Remember, no one dies of hunger, “That’s what they say, no one dies of hunger.”

Vocabulary :

  • solitary (सॉलिटरी) – lonely, single (अकेला)
  • upset (अपसैट) – feel disturbed (घबराना)
  • seems (सीम्स) – appears (लगता है)

अनुवाद : परन्तु सभी के हृदय में जो घाटी के मध्य उस अकेले मकान में रहते थे केवल एक आशा थी : भगवान से मिलने वाली सहायता। “यद्यपि यह पूरी हानि प्रतीत होती है, परन्तु परेशान मत हो।” याद रखो, भूख से कोई नहीं मरता। “यही वह कहते हैं-भूख से कोई नहीं मरता।”

Text (Page 5) : All through that night, Lencho thought only of his one hope : the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience.

Vocabulary :

  • through (थ्रू) – till the end (अन्त तक, पूरी रात)
  • instructed (इन्सट्रक्टिड) – imparted knowledge (शिक्षा मिली थी)
  • conscience (कान्शिएन्स) – moral sense of right and wrong (अन्तरात्मा)

अनुवाद : पूरी रात लैंचो अपनी केवल एक आशा के बारे में सोचता रहा : भगवान की सहायता, जिसकी आँखें जैसी उसे शिक्षा मिली थी, सब कुछ देखती हैं, यहाँ तक की जो एक व्यक्ति के मन की गहराई में भी होता है।

Text (Page 5): Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write. The following Sunday, at day break, he began to write a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail.

Vocabulary : ox of a man (ऑक्स ऑफ ए मैन)very hard-working, laborious (बहुत परिश्रमी); day break (डे ब्रेक)- very early in the morning (पौ फटते ही); place in the mail (प्लेस इन द मेल)- to post (डाक में डालना)।

अनुवाद : लैंचो बहुत परिश्रमी था। एक जानवर (बैल) की तरह खेतों में काम करता था। अगले रविवार, पौ फटते ही उसने पत्र लिखना आरंभ किया जिसे वह स्वयं ले जाकर डाक में डालेगा।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Text (Pages) : It was nothing less than a letter to God. “God”, he wrote, “If you don’t help me, my family and I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again and to live until the crop comes, because the hailstorm….”

Vocabulary: sow (सो)-to scatter seed on earth to grow (बीज बोना)।

अनुवाद : यह भगवान को पत्र से कम नहीं था। उसने लिखा, “भगवान, अगर आप मेरी सहायता नहीं करेंगे तो मैं और मेरा परिवार इस वर्ष भूखा रहेगा। मुझे फिर से अपना खेत बोने और अगली फसल तक जिन्दा रहने के लिए सौ पीसोज़ की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि……”

Text (Page 5) : He wrote “To God” on the envelope, put the letter inside and still troubled, went to town. At the post office, he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mail box.

Vocabulary :

  • troubled (ट्रबल्ड) – disturbed (व्याकुल, चिन्ताग्रस्त)
  • placed (प्लेस्ड) – put, fixed (लगाई)
  • mailbox (मेल बॉक्स) – postbox (पत्र पेटी)

अनुवाद : उसने लिफाफे पर लिखा, “भगवान को”, पत्र को लिफाफे में डाला, अभी भी चिन्ताग्रस्त, शहर की ओर चल दिया। डाकघर में उसने पत्र पर टिकट लगाकर डाकपेटी में डाल दिया।

Text (Page 5): One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God. Never in his career as a postman had he known that address.

Vocabulary :

  • laughing heartily (लाफिंग हार्टली) – to have a full laugh (दिल खोलकर हँसता हुआ)
  • career (कैरियर) – professional life (व्यवसायिक जीवन में)
  • boss (बॉस) – officer (अफसर)

अनुवाद : कर्मचारियों में से एक जो पोस्टमैन था तथा डाकघर में सहायता करता था, भरपूर हँसता हुआ अपने अफसर के पास गया तथा भगवान को भेजा गया पत्र दिखाया। अपने पूरे व्यवसायिक जीवन में उसने वह पता नहीं देखा था।

Text (Pages 5-6): The postmaster-a fat, amiable fellow also broke out laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious, and tapping the letter on his desk, commented, “What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter. Starting up a correspondence with God!”

Vocabulary :

  • amiable (ऐमिऐबल) – friendly, lovable (सबका प्यारा)
  • fellow (फैलो) – person (व्यक्ति)
  • broke out (ब्रेक आउट) – started (शुरू कर दिया)
  • almost (आलमोस्ट) – nearly (लगभग)
  • commented (कमेंटेड) – said, remarked (कहा)
  • correspondence (कॉरेसपोन्डैन्स) – communication through letter (पत्राचार)
  • tapping (टैपिंग) – as gentle blow (थपथपाना)

अनुवाद : पोस्टमास्टर, जो एक मोटा, सबका प्यारा, सद्भाव वाला व्यक्ति था, वह भी जोर से हंसा पर एकदम गम्भीर हो गया तथा पत्र को अपनी मेज पर थपथपाते हुए कहा, “कितना विश्वास! मैं भी चाहता हूँ कि मुझमें भी इस पत्र लिखने वाले व्यक्ति जितना विश्वास हो। भगवान के साथ पत्र व्यवहार आरम्भ करने का।”

Text (Page 6) : So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in God, the postmaster came up with an idea : answer the letter. But when he opened it, was evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper.

Vocabulary :

  • idea (आईडिया) – thought (विचार)
  • evident (ऐवीडेन्ट) – clear (स्पष्ट)
  • goodwill (गुडविल) – kind feeling, well wishing (मंगलकामना, सद्भावना)

अनुवाद : इसलिए कि कहीं लेखक का भगवान से विश्वास न टूटे, पोस्टमास्टर को एक विचार सूझा : पत्र का उत्तर दे। परन्तु जब उसने पत्र खोला, यह स्पष्ट था कि उत्तर देने के लिए उसे सद्भावना, कागज़ और स्याही से ज्यादा किसी और चीज़ की आवश्यकता थी।

Text (Page 6) : But he stuck to his resolution : he asked for money from his employees, he himself gave a part of his salary, and several friends of his were obliged to give something for an act of charity’.

Vocabulary :

  • stuck (RC) – remained firm (59 रहा)
  • resolution (रैसोल्यूशन) – decision (निश्चय)
  • several (सेवरल) – many (बहुत से)
  • obliged (ओबलाईग्ड) – indebted to (कृतज्ञ करना)
  • charity (चैरिटी) – kindness (कृपा, दयालुता, दान)

अनुवाद : परन्तु वह अपने निश्चय पर दृढ़ रहा : उसने अपने कर्मचारियों से धन माँगा, उसने स्वयं अपने वेतन का एक भाग दिया तथा उसके कई मित्रों ने भी दान के कार्य में कुछ धन देने की कृपा की।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Text (Page 6): It was impossible for him to gather together the hundred pesos, so he was able to send the farmer only a little more than half. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with them a letter containing only a single word as a signature: God.

Vocabulary :

  • impossible (इमपॉसिबल) – not possible (असम्भव)
  • gather (गैदर) – to collect (इकट्ठा करना)
  • addressed (एड्रेस्ड) – put postal address (पता लिखा)
  • containing (कन्टेनिंग) – to comprise, to include (होना, शामिल रखना)

अनुवाद : इकट्ठे एक सौ पैसोज एकत्रित करना उसके लिए असम्भव था, अतः वह किसान को आधे से कुछ अधिक धन ही भेज पाया। उसने इस धन को एक लिफाफे में डाला तथा साथ में एक पत्र भी डाला जिस पर केवल एक शब्द के हस्ताक्षर थे-‘भगवान’।

Text (Page 6): The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office.


  • a bit (अ बिट) – a little (थोड़ा)
  • usual (यूजुअल) – ordinary, common (अक्सर प्रायः)
  • contentment (कन्टेंटमैंट) – satisfaction (सन्तुष्टि)
  • deed (डीड) – act (कार्य)

अनुवाद : अगले रविवार को लैन्चो पहले से कुछ जल्दी यह पूछने के लिए आया कि उसके लिए कोई पत्र था? पोस्टमैन ने स्वयं उसे पत्र दिया जबकि पोस्टमास्टर ऐसे व्यक्ति की सन्तुष्टि का अनुभव करते हुए जिसने एक अच्छा कार्य किया हो, अपने कार्यालय से देखता रहा।

Text (Page 6): Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money, such was his confidencebut he became angry when he counted the money God could not have made a mistake, nor could h have denied Lencho what he had requested.

Vocabulary :

  • slightest (स्लाईटेस्ट) – even a little (थोड़ा सा भी)
  • surprise (सरप्राईज) – astonishments, wonder (आश्चर्य)
  • confidence (कॉन्फीडेंस) – faith (विश्वास)
  • counted (काउन्टेड) – reckoning (गिनना)
  • denied (डिनाईड) – refused (मना करना)

अनुवाद : धन को देखकर लैंचो ने जरा सा भी आश्चर्य नहीं दर्शाया-ऐसा विश्वास था उसका-परन्तु वह क्रोधित हो उठा जब उसने पैसे गिने । भगवान से गलती नहीं हो सकती. न ही वह उसकी प्रार्थना अस्वीकार कर सकता था।

Text (Page 6) : Immediately, Lencho went upto the window to ask for paper and ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write, with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas.

Vocabulary :

  • wrinkling (रिंकलिंग) – a fold, a crease (झुरी, सिलवट)
  • brow (ब्रो) – forehead (माथा)
  • caused (काज्ड) – reason or motive of an action (उद्देश्य, कारण)
  • effort (एफर्ट) – attempt (कोशिश)
  • express (एक्सप्रेस) – to state one’s opinion (व्यक्त करना)

अनुवाद : तुरन्त लैंचो खिड़की पर कागज और स्याही माँगने के लिए गया। सार्वजनिक लिखने की मेज पर त्योरियाँ चढ़ाकर, जो उसे अपने विचारों को व्यक्त करने के प्रयत्न में बनी थीं, लिखने लगा।

Text (Pages 6-7): When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist.

Vocabulary :

  • licked (लिक्ड) – to pass the tongue over a thing (चाटा)
  • affixed (अफिक्स्ड ) – to attach firmly (चिपकाया)
  • blow (ब्लो) – a hard stroke (मुक्का)
  • fist (फिस्ट) – clenched hand (मुट्ठी, घूसा)

अनुवाद : जब पत्र समाप्त कर लिया तो टिकट खरीदने के लिए खिड़की पर गया और टिकट को चाट कर, उसे लिफाफे पर मुक्का मार कर चिपका दिया।

A Letter to God Class 10 Question Answer

Text (Page 7): The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: “God : of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail, because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.”

Vocabulary :

  • rest (रेस्ट) – remaining (बकाया)
  • through (थू) – by means of (के द्वारा)
  • mail (मेल) – postal system (डाक)
  • a bunch of crooks (अ बंच ऑफ क्रुक्स) – a group of dishonest people (बेईमानों का दल)

अनुवाद : जिस क्षण पत्र डाकपेटी में पड़ा, पोस्टमास्टर उसे खोलने के लिए गया। उसमें लिखा था : “भगवान्, जितना धन मैंने मांगा था उसमें से केवल सत्तर पैसोज ही मुझ तक पहुँच पाए हैं। शेष भी मुझे भेज दो क्योंकि मुझे उनकी बहुत आवश्यकता है। परन्तु यह धन मुझे डाक द्वारा न भेजना क्योंकि डाकखाने के कर्मचारी तो बेईमानों का दल हैं।”

Class 10 English Question Answer